Some Membership Wows!

The most recent Grange Membership Year runs from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.

According to the Membership Annual Report, 19 Granges in Maine had net gains that year, taking in some 75 members.

The top three membership gains were:

  • First: Huntoon Hill Grange #398, located in Wiscasset, showed a net gain of 16 members. According to the 2022-23 Roster, Russell Marr is the Master/President.
  • Second: Jonesboro Grange #357, located in Jonesboro, showed a net gain of 10 members. According to the 2022-23 Roster, John Cox Jr. is the Master/President.
  • Third: Trenton Grange # 550, located in Trenton, showed a net gain of 9 members. According to the 2022-23 Roster, Peter Lazas is the Master/President.

Congratulations and well done! Wow!

Are you aware of any “Wows” (new members, funds raised, successful events, other accomplishments) we should announce? Send a few details!

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