President’s Perspective – October 2023

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

I want to say a huge THANK-YOU to the Secretaries who have already made the corrections and updates and returned their lists to me for the new database. 

In addition to updating the instructional guidelines, roster, state session & budget and other items I work on, I have worked on getting a new database completed. I typed in all the information for our 82 Granges, 2,359  names, addresses, and other information into a more user-friendly format that can be accessed without the internet. The basic information has been compiled, and copies sent to the Grange Secretaries for corrections, additions, and deletions. Yes, I can hear the grumbles but it needed to be done. if I am spending this much time putting it back together from older versions provided by the State Secretary, your assistance is greatly appreciated. Each of you, as an individual member can help by checking your information, is your name spelled correctly, is your address up to date, if not, then please correct whatever may be required.  I am most interested in the date you joined the Grange, and the Granges you have belonged to, many of the dates or previous membership in a different Grange (because of closure or consolidation) are not listed. Some are listed as Golden Sheaf members (50 years of continuous membership) but do not list the date of joining or where. Most Granges exempt all Golden Sheaf (50-year) members from paying dues to their respective Granges and the Maine State Grange does not charge dues on any Golden Sheaf members but the Maine State Grange must still pay dues to National on them.  Golden Sheaf membership attained before Jan 1, 2001, the Maine State Grange does not pay dues to National Grange on those members. Golden Sheaf membership attained after Jan 1, 2001, the Maine State Grange must pay dues to National Grange on those members. 

September and October is the time of new Grange year beginnings with installations, setting goals and making plans for the coming year. This is the time of year for year end wrap-ups such as your annual audit, reports to be submitted and evaluate your goals, what was successful and what was lacking. There are very few Installations Teams or Installing Officers traveling, so I encourage each Grange to do their own Installation. There is an Alternative Installation Ceremony (half the words) in the new Manual which can be read with one or two people in charge and working with the members present.

Congratulations to all the Officers and members, I wish you much success for the coming year. 

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