Got a Stamp?

By Walter Boomsma, MSG Communications Director

One of the “rituals” we follow during our Valley Grange Meetings is probably not unfamiliar to many Grangers. When the WM asks, “Is any member in sickness or distress?” the Chaplain reaches for a box of greeting cards. If there’s a report, a card is passed around for all to sign. Sometimes, it happens when the WM calls for “Suggestions for the good of the Order,” and someone reports a success or happy event, suggesting we acknowledge it with a card.

It’s a pretty cool ritual that represents our fraternal nature. It can also become a community service and an important aspect of “communicating” with members and Grange friends.

I was recently contacted by a hospice nurse who is caring for a 94-year-old man in assisted living. He’s a long way from home, unfortunately, and his nurse reports that he “talks about the Grange and his 70+ year membership on a daily basis.” She wonders if “if this friend could possibly get visitations or
information from the Grange mailed to him on a regular basis.”

I should certainly hope so. I’m going to put a copy of my book, Exploring Traditions, in the mail to him today. Since I know the Valley Grange Chaplain quite well, I suspect she’ll get a card in the mail before we meet. There’s a post on the Valley Grange Website encouraging others to reach out.

Does your Grange have members that you haven’t seen in a while? How do you communicate with them?

“As we in form thus enclose you within a sacred circle, so does this Grange in the name of our noble and beneficent Order pledge to you a pure friendship, enduring through life to shield you from harm… let us ever hold fast and firm our obligations of Fidelity.”

Quoted from the Altar Circle Ritual conducted when admitting new members

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