Membership Moments – September 2023

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

Sometimes it is fun (and challenging) to make a phrase out of a word. This would be a great Lecturer’s program  by the way. An acronym for the word “MEMBERSHIP” comes to mind. I thought of one, but I’m sure there are many more. Can you make one?  Mine is “May Each Member Be Excited, Respected, So Happily Involved Patrons”. Sounds silly, eh? Not if you can get your point across. New and seasoned members need to be excited and involved to keep the Grange working. They need to be respected for their diligent labor and faithful service. No matter what Grangers do, they do out of love and respect for their communities and their Grange. We are loyal subjects, willing to take on most offices, tasks or committees in order to achieve the desired results. That is a true Granger.

Others will notice and will commend you for your accomplishments. Community will notice the difference and applaud the Grange and its members. Some will want to join and be a part of your successes. Welcome them into your hall, respect their ideas, embrace their involvement and certainly your Grange will grow.

As Lecturers are taught about “RIME” (recreation, inspiration, music, and education), membership has its own version of RIME (respect, involvement, mentoring, and excitement).  Four little words with a ton of worth for you and your Grange. We need to teach our new members about our history, rituals, traditions and symbolisms. Education is vital and the new member will be intrigued by what the Grange stands for. Our Grange has been asked to contribute a column in the community’s quarterly newsletter. The first column concentrated on a brief history of the Grange, what we do, and our schedule of events. What better publicity can you get for free?

We can blame a lot of things on why our memberships are declining and our Granges are closing. This negativity does NOTHING to solve the issue. We must take the bull by the horns, so to say, and do something positive to reverse the trend. Action is needed, not words. Look at the acronym above. That is what is needed to help our Grangers grow. Why not try some new things? You have much to gain instead of a lot to lose!

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