Valley Grange Is Going Nuts and Having Fun!

Valley Grange is located in Guilford, Maine.

Bangor Saving Bank has announced its annual Peanut Butter and Jelly Drive, encouraging folks to “go nuts and have fun! Valley Grangers have no problem with going nuts and having fun. In fact, we plan to support it!

In short, we’ll collect jars of peanut butter and jelly to contribute to the drive. As Bangor Savings explains, “Peanut butter, a protein-rich food item, is too often in short supply and high demand at local food insecurity programs. And what’s a more classic pair than peanut butter and jelly? Something as simple as donating a jar can make a big difference to a neighbor in need. And with school back in session, we can support our local schools and backpack programs by donating a jar of peanut butter or jelly!”

You can, of course, drop off your donations at any bank branch. For our part, we’ll have a collection box on the porch of the Valley Grange Hall (172 Guilford Center Road, corner of Butter Street). This worked well during last year’s “Sock it to us” collection. We’re also asking Grange Members to collect. We’ll complete the collection at our September 15th meeting and deliver what we’ve collected to the Dover Foxcroft Branch before the September 30th deadline.

Last year, we had a boxful! Will we need a bigger box this year?

Bangor Savings will be matching donations–for every jar received, one additional jar will be donated to local food insecurity programs. It’s a “two-fer!”

We have a few ideas for going nuts and having fun, so stay tuned!

Webmaster’s note: Since this is a statewide effort, perhaps some other Granges will consider “going nuts and having fun” by supporting it!

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