Maine at the National Convention

by Deb Ivers, Maine Host Coordinator

Maine will be co-hosting the Hospitality Room on Saturday, November 18, 2023, with Vermont. The hotel will allow us to bring in homemade goods such as cookies, bars, or snack food. All homemade items must be wrapped or packaged before being sent to NY. Pre-purchased individually packaged food or snack items would also be greatly appreciated. Please contact Rick Grotton if you or your Grange have items to donate.

We will need volunteers to work in shifts in the Hospitality Room that day, along with helping with Registration.

The Northeast states, including Maine, are collecting new, unused socks, hats, and mittens as this Year’s Community Service project at the National Grange Convention. The collected hats, socks, and mittens or monetary donations will be donated to the Community Missions of Niagara, which serves a vulnerable population of individuals in the Niagara Falls community that, through a variety of circumstances, have been underserved, marginalized, overlooked, and challenging in their presentations and behaviors. The hats, socks, and mittens can be handmade or purchased but must be new and unused. These items can be brought to the Maine State Grange Convention in October or arrangements can be made to collect them before the National Grange Convention.

If you are planning to go to this year’s National Grange Convention and would like to volunteer to help on Saturday, please call or text me at (207) 450-0646 or email me. (Click on my name at the top of this post.)

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