Grange Love at Guilford RiverFest

Valley Grange is located in Guilford, Maine. This is excerpted from their recent Grange Gram to members and friends.

Are you ready to give and get some love? Riverfest is just one week from today!

All you have to do is be in the Valley Grange tent at RiverFest on Saturday, July 29, 2023. Judy has volunteered to help with setting up. If you are coming for the parade (which starts at 9:30) and are willing to come a little early, your hands would be welcome! To beat the traffic, Walter plans to be there at 8:30 to unload and set up. The goal is to be set up before the parade starts.

Our tent may be “unstaffed” during the parade—unless someone would like to hang out there. We open formally at 11 am. The official schedule is posted on the Valley Grange Website. ”Working” in our tent is fun! You might get some hugs… and all you have to do is offer information about the Grange (we’ll have printed support material) and a free pin to give away. If you can sell a raffle ticket in the process, that would be awesome! While it’s not on the schedule, traditionally, the expectation is we remain “open” until 3 pm, but unless it’s busy, most start packing up around 2:30. Help with that is always welcome, although it usually goes a lot quicker than setting up!

Of course, you can just show up, but if you’d like to let Walter know what you think you’re planning, that will be helpful!

We’ll also be kicking off our annual raffle that day. Information about the raffle is now available on the website. We have five great prizes this year! We’ll be mailing tickets to all members and friends later this summer—if you’d like some now, let us know! You can also pick up extras to sell at RiverFest. Janice will be our primary ticket distributor and collector—if you need tickets, contact her by email or phone 343-1496. Another great option will be at the Valley Grange Picnic on August 15th. That info will be coming next week!

Good News!

Maine Highlands Federal Credit Union called—they have a donation for us! Employees donate as part of their dress-down day, then select a cause to give the donations, and we’re it! I’ll be picking it up next week!

More Good News!

Many of you will remember Lilly, the Junior Granger from Connecticut we supported during her battle with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia by doing card showers and encouragement. She’s doing great! She was actually placed on the “Make-a-Wish” roster back in 2018. After making it through 25 months of chemo, double hip joint replacement, and then being on the Covid waitlist, it was great to see her wish come true this past week finally! She and her family finally got a “wish trip” to Alaska together! This is one amazing kid! It’s great to have shared in and supported her battle. What an honor! She and her Mom are now supporting the Make-a-wish Foundation. Earlier this year, they did the “Walk for Wishes.” By the way, Lilly is now 18 years old.

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