Lecturer’s Column – June 2023

By Margaret Morse, Maine State Grange Lecturer
207 439-0413

2023 – 2024 THEME

Any theme should set the tone for the year, so after much contemplation, I have chosen to use “MANY HANDS …” as the theme. You may notice that the phrase is left open-ended; it is done so on purpose so that each Grange can complete the statement the way that fits them best.

When the majority of us look around our halls our hands are getting older and need more assistance to complete those projects that only a few years ago we could do ourselves.

Most of us would like to add younger hands by adding new members to our rosters, but sometimes it seems impossible to do. Another way for us to get things done may be to partner with other community organizations. We, as Grangers need to be visible in our communities, we need to be more than the building down the street. So let us put our MANY HANDS to work for the good of the order and our communities.

Looking ahead, I am working on scheduling the annual State Lecturer’s conference at the end of September, date and place to be determined. When plans have been solidified, letters will be sent out to each Grange.

Deadlines to submit entries for the following National and State contests are September 1, 2023. For complete rules, search the National or State Grange Websites.

National Grange:

  • Virtual Photography Contest – Categories: Farm Machinery, Potluck Activity, Gardens, Grange Family
  • Garden Design Contest

State Grange:

  • Poetry – Categories: Family, Weather, Camping, Other
  • Skits
  • Book reading- Number of books and Number of pages

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