Membership Moments – July 2023

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

How are your gardens doing? Now that the sun is back from vacation, the veggie plants seem to be much happier. Mother Nature did our watering for us the past month. We have to have our veggies and fruit at our best because agricultural fairs are in full swing, especially here in Maine. Of course, it is way too early for most of our “goodies.” However, there are other wares we can display. I hope many Granges are displaying their treasures at their local agricultural fairs. It is excellent publicity and a great way to pick up some cash!

I would like to hear from you, our readers, on suggestions for membership topics. What would you like to share or to learn?  Fresh ideas are necessary, so send them to me! Membership issues apply to each and every one of us, so any ideas or suggestions will also help numerous other Grange members. Just one suggestion or helpful hint could be beneficial to a whole organization! Amazing, isn’t it? Do not hesitate to send me your thoughts/suggestions/tips, etc. This column could be a new helpful hints success, just like the famous one we all read in our newspapers. Who knows? If it works to help others, that is all that matters! Send your suggestions to me at

Have a great rest of the summer! Keep healthy and cool.

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