Secretary Helps – July 2023

By Sharon Morton
MSG Secretary
207 485-6197

I hope you are all enjoying your summer, with lots of picnics, vacations, and relaxing at the beach or by the pool!

The secretary’s job can be a challenge and requires a lot of hard work.  It is imperative that accurate records are kept in your Grange.  Thank you to all the Secretaries for Subordinate and Pomona Granges!

As a reminder, your Second Quarterly Dues as well as the Annual Pomona Yearly Reports were due after the last meeting in June and now are currently late.  Please get them in as quickly as you can.

Election of Grange Officers should be complete and the request to provide me with your Subordinate/Pomona Roster Information should be returned by July 15, 2023.  Please complete by typing or printing legibly.

Membership Recognition Application forms are available from State   Headquarters, and the most current form is on the State Grange website on the Program Books and Information Page under Secretary Resources. Years of membership recognition can start at 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 35, 40, 45, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75 & 80 years.  Silver Star Certificate (25 years) $12.00, and payment for the Silver Star Certificate is made out to the Maine State Grange.  Golden Sheaf (50 years of continuous membership) $12.00; 75-Year Diamond Certificate and Folder is $12.00; 80-year letter & 85-year letter in a folder with a letter from National President are $12.00 each.  Make checks payable to The National Grange.  There are respective Years of Membership Pins available from the National Grange.  Please remember to mail all requests to me.

Until next time, be safe!

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