Sagadahoc Pomona News

Submitted by Marilyn Stinson

Sagadahoc Pomona meets the last Wednesday monthly with a potluck supper at 6:00, and a meeting at 7:00. Enterprise and Merriconeag are 40 minutes apart, but we enjoy the visiting before the meetings, so it is worth the trip.

Ned Pierce filled in as Master for June, with elections bringing us quite a few changes. Our Master for 2023-2024 will be Samuel A. (Chuck) Alexander, Overseer– Marilyn Stinson, Lecturer – Sharon Kirker, Steward – Helen Stinson, Assistant Steward. – Ben Edgerly, Lady Assistant Steward – CJ Roy, Chaplain – Nancy Barton, Gatekeeper– Hope Tanguay, Treasurer – Ned Pierce, Secretary– Stephanie Alexander, Ceres – Helen Stinson, Pomona – Isabel Stinson, Flora – Sharon Kirker, Executive Committee – Stephanie Alexander for 3 years, Arnold Stinson – 2 years, Hope Tanguay – 1 Year. Some doubling of officers for Graces since we have Fifth Degree in April, and Lincoln Pomona Officers usually give us a hand at that time by filling Lecturer and Steward positions

Our Memorial Program honored two members who went to the Great Grange above, plus those who went before.

There will be no meeting in July, and plans are being made for our August meeting to be a family outing, possibly a lobster boat ride to Eagle Island State Park, for a family picnic with friends from other Pomonas. We will keep you informed because we hope you want to join us!

CWA Baking Contest was won by Helen Stinson with her chocolate chip cookies.

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