Junior Report – June 2023

By Marilyn Stinson
207 786-2120
MSG Committee Member

Has your Grange taken in any 1+ Junior Grangers? The 1+ program from National Grange seems to be working from what we can see on Facebook and Bulletin posts, but the Community Granges aren’t sending the MSG Junior Department the information we need, and we don’t know who has joined.

We need the junior’s name, birthdate, and date joined. Also, the parent(s) or guardian(s) names, address, email, phone number, and home Grange. A statement giving permission (or not) to share photos of the child(ren) be shared on social media.

I have remained on the Junior Committee and will accept this information and forward it to our director. Please let us know so we can put the kids on our rolls and include them with information about junior activities. You can also send the information to director Betty Young.

We have exhibited Junior information at three fairs in the last few years – Pittston, Windsor, and Litchfield – earning money for the Juniors’ activities and programs. Betty is willing to share info about Juniors that others can use in their areas. Have your local kids do some crafts, show them off, and encourage others to join! Contact your local fairs, print out the information, put the pages on poster boards, and share space with the crafts, photos, paintings, etc., that the kids have done. MSG Junior Grange #17 is on Facebook, where you can see pictures of what has been exhibited.


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