President’s Perspective – June 2023

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

I’m very pleased to announce we cleared over $1,000 at our recent yard sale and fundraiser event on June 3rd, selling lasagna & 3 kinds of baked beans, apple crisp & brownies and Visa gift card raffles. THANK YOU to the many, many helpers, Granges, and individuals who worked diligently cooking, baking, selling tickets, and making donations of food and funds for supplies to help make this a successful day. Thank you very, very much to Norma & Sharon, who helped me with the cooking, and Margaret, Maynard & Gladys, for making the apple crisp.  One of the $100 gift cards was won by someone from BIW, and the other $100 card went to a Grange member from Bingham.

June is the time for the election of officers.  As soon as the election has been held, the elected Master/President selects the Committee Chairs and committee members for their Grange. This should be done right away; no need to wait for the Installation of Officers to get your committees set up. Some of the most common Committees in our Granges are Legislative-Agriculture; Women’s Activities; Youth; Junior; Community Service; Family, Health & Hearing; Membership, and Others. Other Committees may be named as needed that may be specific to your Grange. Special Committees are set up as required for a special event or activity. Please tell your secretary who will be the chairmen, so she/he can report the roster information to the office.

We will be looking for the following information to be provided to us for each Grange:

  • Grange Name and Number; Street Address and Town of Grange Hall;
  • Meeting Day(s) and Time; Supper or Refreshments and Time.  (Maine State Grange By-Laws:  ARTICLE XXII – MEETINGS  Section 1.  The Bylaws of each Subordinate Grange should definitely fix the day and hour of all regular meetings.)

  Plus the following information for Officers and chairman.

  • Master/President: Name; Address; Phone; (Cell if they want it listed); and e-mail address.
  • Lecturer: Name: Address; Phone; (Cell if they want it listed); and e-mail address.
  • Secretary: Name: Address; Phone; (Cell if they want it listed); and e-mail address.
  • CWA Chairman: Name; Address; Phone; (Cell if they want it listed); and e-mail address.

We will be sending the 2024 Roster information forms to the Grange Secretaries next week. Please fill them out legibly and return them as soon as possible to the office. If you want to type the information out separately and mail or email it to us, that would be fine also.  I know I am repeating myself again, but remember Resolutions are due in the office by August 15th. Every resolution must have a title already named by the presenting Grange. Any resolutions to make changes to State or National Grange By-Laws must refer to the Article number; Section number; and sub-section number(s) and be written out in full as it currently appears in the State or National By-laws, then the new change written out in full with the change(s) to be made.

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