Ag Committee Report — June 2023

By Wilma Grenier, MSG Ag Director
(207) 437-2099

On Thursday, May 4th, the Agriculture Committee of the Maine State Grange met at headquarters with eight members present.

The scholarship fund is currently at $5,980.42 due to fundraising and donations from the Grange Store at Fryeburg Fair, Maine Agriculture in the Classroom, and the raffle at the State Conference. Two of the three winners from 2022 have been paid. Sharon will contact the remaining student, Chantal Cyr, to see if she is eligible for her scholarship after the fall 2022 semester.

The group voted to fund five exceptional applications for 2023. 2023 Winners are:

  • Lily Mae Jaffray from Blue Hill to study Pre-Veterinary Science.
  • Emma L. Alexander from Dexter to study Forestry,
  • Zachary Dean Skidgel from Newport to study Sustainable Agriculture,
  • Grace Cassandra VanBuskirk from Thomaston to study Pre-Veterinary Science,
  • Ashley Nicole Stubbs from Addison to study Animal & Veterinary Science.

The committee discussed fundraising to continue the scholarship program into
the future and will conduct a raffle with the drawing at State Grange Session in October. Granges wishing to support the scholarship program should send funds to State Grange labeled AGRICULTURE SCHOLARSHIP FUND.

2023 Fairs and events calendar was mailed by the State master to existing judges. Some fair dates may have changed. The Fryeburg Grange Ag Store moved last year and had a much better location. Volunteers are needed to work during the week of October 1 – 8. Let Sharon know if you would like to volunteer.

The group discussed the 2023 State Conference on October 20 & 21 (Friday &
Saturday this year) at the Auburn Masonic Hall, which is behind the Auburn Mall. It will start on Friday after lunch and include a Friday dinner banquet and Saturday lunch. The dining room made it difficult to hear a speaker last year, so the group decided instead to just draw the raffle winners and have some Maine Ag in the Classroom bookmarks and other information to hand out at the luncheon. It will be a very busy session this year!

MAITC supplied over 800 books for both virtual and in-person readings this year. The book was “Honeybee” and was very well received by everyone.
The committee will meet again at state headquarters in August to review Grange Enterprise applications, go over fall plans, and any other business. Please submit applications! They are due August 1, 2023. Be well, everyone! Spring is here, the rain has finally stopped, and the sun is shining!

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