Membership Moments – May 2023

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

Now that Spring is in full bloom and the weather is much warmer, all of us have the itching to go outside and get “stuff” done. This ranges from planting your garden, growing flowers, mowing lawns, and especially spring cleaning. Our Grange halls are also in need of such. In order to attract prospective members, you may want to try the following during this time:

Gather members, friends, and community for a “Grange Cleaning Day.” You never know what “treasures” you may find, especially if your hall hasn’t been cleaned in a while. Have a small lunch or barbecue for the community or just for the helpers. Give them a tour and history of your Grange. Keep applications handy.

Have an open house. Invite community organizations and maybe some child games for fun and to create a pleasant atmosphere. Make plans with these organizations to help the community. Again, have lunch or refreshments, small prizes, baskets for a raffle, or a 50/50 drawing. Invite a motivational speaker or entertainment. Display some of the long-forgotten “treasures” found for others to view. Many people enjoy historical items.

 Host a community night with a talent show, entertainment, music, and fun “stuff.” Advertise a month in advance. Social media works wonders if you have a Facebook page or other forms of advertising.

Use your hall for vendors for an indoor or outdoor lawn sale. It is a good way for you and your members and the community to sell unwanted things that have been found during their own Spring cleanings. Again, have lunch or refreshments for the vendors with maybe background recorded or live music.

Have a jam day or night where local musical talent can get together, and the community can enjoy dancing and socializing. This works well for a Grange (as my Grange can testify). Sunday afternoons are a great time.

Host a meet the candidates night where all parties must be invited, and the public can get to know them. Ask them a series of questions for each to answer concerning important issues, with a time limit per question, of course.

The above suggestions require some work, so recruit family, friends, and the community to help. As you can see, you need to do these things: be active, have much publicity, and awareness, and open your hall to the public. Do they know you exist? The answers will surprise you! Listen to what the public says and jot it down. Membership is the lifeblood of our organization and the number one priority for your Grange. Without members, we cannot grow. Like without food in our bodies, we cannot survive. So, keep motivated, keep talking about Grange, and be educated (and educate others) on Grange history and what the Grange stands for, and how to help your communities grow.

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