Communication Shorts 5-16-2023

By Walter Boomsma,
MSG Communications Director
207 343-1842

Communication Shorts are brief (short) but important items posted for your information and use. Send us your ideas and thoughts!

May Bulletin

The May Bulletin is now available for downloading and printing. Remember, you can always find recent issues of the Bulletin on the Program Books and Information Page.

Website Links

Thanks to technology, we do get a report of links that are no longer working. Most often, these are links in older posts. Currently, we have been getting a lot of “broken link notices” that involve government/COVID information. In general, we do not investigate and/or repair these broken links. In addition to being very time-consuming, it’s often “old news.” If you happen on a link that doesn’t work and think it is important and should work, let us know, and we’ll look into it!

Nostalgia and History

If you are familiar with eBay, here’s a fun idea. Search for Grange-related stuff. You’ll find some nostalgia and history–things like manuals, cookbooks, jewelry (some very affordable), and even implement cases!

Ideas for Granges

The world wants to hear about it! Fill out the simple I Love the Grange Form… it only takes a couple of minutes! Thanks to all who have shared so far!

Do You Love the Grange?

If your hall has outdoor space, how about a Family Day Picnic? You could include a variety of activities like face painting, music, games, and food. If it rains, move inside! It might be possible to tie into another community event…

Thought for You…

“Even the mundane task of washing dishes by hand is an example of the small tasks and personal activities that once filled people’s daily lives with a sense of achievement.”

B. F. Skinner

Online Directories Available 24-7

  • The ODD Directory features all state officers, directors, and deputies with contact information.
  • The Directory of Granges features all Granges in the state with a contact person. Please make sure your listing is correct!

Do You Have FOMO?

“FOMO” is, of course, a Fear Of Missing Out. One strongly recommended treatment is to subscribe to the Maine State Grange Website. We’ll send you a daily summary whenever news and columns are posted, and we won’t share your email address with anyone!

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