Lecturer’s Column – May 2023

By Margaret Morse, Maine State Grange Lecturer
207 439-0413

Book Reading Contest

Did you know that approximately 1700 books are published daily? These books, from history to science fiction and biographies to children’s books, hit the shelves of bookstores and libraries soon after. So, no matter what your favorite genre is, there are plenty of new titles to choose from each month.

The book reading contest is easy to enter. It is open to all Subordinate Grange and Junior Grange members, children, and grandchildren of Subordinate members. All that is required to enter is a list of all the books you have read since September 2, 2022, including the title, author, and number of pages.

Each entry must include your name, Grange, including number, address, total number of books, and the total number of pages read. Juniors should include their age as of September 1. Students may include books read for class. Awards will be given for both most books and pages read. New this year is an optional section that asks you to recommend a book from your list. If you choose to recommend a book, you should include your name, the book title, the author, and the genre. Then write a short summary of the book and tell why you recommend it. All recommendations received will be printed and given to all members who entered the book reading contest.

All entries must be received by September 2023.

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