Valley Grange to Clean Up!

Valley Grange is located in Guilford Maine

We are looking for helping hands…

Friday, May 12, 2023

starting at 2:00 pm

for a wide variety of tasks and projects… all designed to prepare our hall for our big community celebration coming soon! Inside tasks will include sweeping, dusting, wiping, rearranging, and setting up chairs… outside tasks will include raking and pruning… maybe some painting if the weather’s right!

Bring your favorite tools and labor-saving devices. Come any time after 2:00 pm… or before if you can see what needs doing and don’t mind working alone! Better yet, bring a friend! Many hands make work light.

For more information call Walter at 207 343-1842 or Mary at 207 564-0820.

In Other News

We were busy at our April Meeting! Get your calendars out and mark these dates:

  • May 12, 2023, is our Spring Cleaning Day!
  • May 19, 2023, is our big Community Celebration – Potluck Supper starts at 5:30 pm, and the Program kicks off at 7:00 pm.
  • May 20, 2023, Services for Roger Ricker at the Mainstream Cemetery at 1 pm, followed by a celebration of his life at the Harmony Community Center.
  • June 1, 2023, Is the Piscataquis Pomona Meeting at Wayside Grange at 7 pm.
  • June 9, 2023, is our Valley Grange Meeting—Potluck Supper starts at 6 pm, and the meeting and elections are at 7:00 pm. Note this is a date change from our usual third Friday!
  • July 29, 2023, we will participate in the River Festival in Guilford.
  • August 15, 2023, Valley Grange Fun and Fund Raiser Picnic at the Boomsma’s, 5 pm until the marshmallows are roasted! (This replaces the former Piscataquis Pomona Picnic.)
  • August 24-27, 2023, Piscataquis Valley Fair

We need your input and suggestions! As part of our Community Celebration, we will recognize individuals and organizations supporting Valley Grange and their communities! We’ve started a pretty good list, but we welcome suggestions! We also need members and guests to “fill the chairs” during our Community Celebration on May 19, 2023. Please RSVP if you can help us by filling a role during this meeting—there are some easy ones! We also need your help with the potluck—please plan to make larger dishes than usual!

The CWA Committee raised some funds with a cake raffle and recommended donations to the House in the Woods and Home for Little Wanderers. “All in favor!”

We will kick off a “Meat or Heat” Raffle with the Guilford River Festival. Details to follow!

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