Membership Moments – April 2023

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

What has your Grange done for Grange month? I know there have been many active Granges doing wonderful things to help the community and to gain membership. Please send me information on what is going on in your area. My Grange is preparing its annual open hall May Basket project for veterans at the VA center and local nursing homes. We invite the community, especially the children, to come in to decorate and fill the baskets. Items used are small travel samples of toothpaste, deodorant, etc. as well as sugar-free candies and a note saying “Thank you for your service”. Tours of the Hall are also coordinated.

Membership drives should be continuous and a priority. Be aware of the upcoming degree days. Without members, we will not exist. The importance of getting new members is needed more than ever. I know you have heard this over and over, but it is our lifeline. Keep active, communicate, and most of all keep your doors open to new members!

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