President’s Perspective – April 2023

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

The Degree Day on April 23, 2023, has been moved to Manchester Grange at 953 Western Ave, (Route 202) Manchester, ME 04351. The hall is located about 10 miles south/west of Augusta next to Walgreens on Route 202. The reason for the unexpected change was the furnace breakdown at the State Grange office building.

Spring in Maine, how absolutely wonderful to see the green shoots of the jonquils, daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths, the variety of colors in the crocus beds and patches of green grass showing up here and there, even though those little shoots may still be shivering during the chilly nights, the sun is warming them more and more. With spring comes reopening. Spring is also clean-up time outside and inside for our own yards but this should also include our Grange halls.  Get the lawn raked up, clip the grass and bushes around the steps and foundation, pick up the branches and trash lying around, get the tattered plastic off the windows, and maybe even wash the reachable ones.  Get some new plants in the window boxes and garden.  Repaint your sign, the steps, the railings, and even the door.  We all need an occasional facelift and get ready to provide a welcoming place for your neighbors to trade seeds, starter plants, and gardening advice.

It is good to hear Granges are getting back in the swing of things in their Grange and Community. REMINDER, there are set things that must happen to have the Grange open in due form or full form to conduct business and take votes.  There must be seven members of that Grange present to be a legal meeting, Assistants open the Bible on Altar, Opening Prayer, Salutation, the Charter MUST be present, the Implement case is opened, the Grange is declared open, and Salute to the Flag. Special meetings or open meetings are exactly as implied, “Special” for a specific, pre-designated event or activity only.  No other business may be conducted.  Open meetings are also set for special events and activities, but NO business may be conducted.

Recently while reading the information provided for Secretaries by Sharon M., our State Secretary, she talks about keeping the minutes of the meetings.  This includes motions made and the action taken on the motion during the meeting. This was a good place to remind everyone about making motions and recording them to go along with her information.  After a vote is taken on a motion, it is up to the Master to state specifically that the motion was adopted or rejected. They should not just say, “It’s a vote.”  It is always a vote one way or the other, be specific what was the vote’s end result. The Secretary should also be specific about what the outcome of the vote was and note that in the minutes along with the wording of the motion.

Handling Motions and Voting Procedure

  1. The member should stand and address the Master by saying, “Worthy Master.”
  2. The Master recognizes the member (the member obtains the floor).
  3. The member from that Grange makes a motion by saying, “I move that…”  or  “I would like to make a motion to …. “
  4. The Master then asks for a second to the motion.  (If no one seconds the motion, it is lost, and no discussion may continue on the subject.)
  5. Another member of that Grange seconds the motion.
  6. The Secretary records the wording of the motion.
  7. The Master repeats the motion for all to hear.
  8. The Master asks, “Is there any discussion?” Only at this point are debate and/or questions allowed.
  9. A motion may be amended (wording changed, added, or deleted) by making another motion saying, “I move to amend this motion to …” Again, it must be seconded.  The amendment (changes)  is voted on first.  The Secretary records the changes.
  10. If the changes are adopted, then the amended motion is taken up as a whole.
  11. If the changes are not adopted, then you go back to the original motion. 
  12. Hearing that there is no more debate/discussion, the Master puts the question to a vote by saying, “All in favor of the motion as stated will make it manifest by the voting sign of the order.”  After this vote, the Master will say “Down hands” and ask, “All opposed by the same sign.”  The Master must ask for those in favor and those opposed on each motion presented.  The voting sign of the order is the end of the sign for the First Degree.
  13.  The Master announces the result of the vote by saying, “The Motion carries; is adopted or is affirmative.” If the vote is negative, “the Motion is rejected or lost.” Specific words adopted or rejected must be included in his/her report.  Then make it official with one rap of the gavel.   
  14. The Secretary records the result of the vote for the motion using the specific words “motion carries/adopted or motion lost/rejected”. 

A simple majority is needed for a motion to be approved or rejected unless it is a Bylaw change.  In this case 2/3 of those present and voting is required.  Also, Bylaw changes must be held over to the next meeting, and all members notified of the changes and the meeting date for the vote.

Other dates I have scheduled for information/instruction meetings:

  • Apr. 22, 1:00 pm Arbutus not confirmed. Call ahead.
  • May 13, 1:00 pm – 3:30 Cumberland Pomona hosting at N. Scarborough
  • May 15, 6:00 pm refreshments; 7:00 pm meeting Evening Star
  • June 22, 6:30 pm Paugus
  • June 27, 1:00 pm Searsport 

The Springfield Fair date has been changed to June 15 – 18. NE Youth Conference will be July 15 and 16, hosted by Vermont, more info to come.

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