Notes from National – March 2023

Are you feeling disconnected from National Grange news?

Gleaned from an email written by Phil Vonada, National Grange Communications Director

Each Friday morning, an email arrives – your computer dings, your phone buzzes, a notification pops up on your computer screen. The email is from the National Grange – either the Patrons Chain or the once-a-month View from the Hill. Without fail, that email has come to you for years, and then you notice… it’s not coming anymore. It’s not in your junk or spam folders, you didn’t change your email address… where is it?

Scrolling emails on your phone, it’s really easy to accidentally unsubscribe, mark the email as spam, or remove yourself from our mailing list. Unfortunately, it’s not so easy for the National Grange staff to re­-subscribe you. Because of the software used to send these emails, the only way to get back on the weekly email list is to sign up again – staff are unable to do it for you.

That’s why we tried to make it simple for you to get back on our email list! Visit to be added back to our mailing list through Constant Contact. On the form, check “Newsletter” to start getting our weekly Patrons Chain and View from the Hill emails again. Checking “General Interest” will also subscribe you to other communications through the National Grange emails. Don’t worry, we promise not to clutter your inbox.

If you haven’t subscribed to the newsletter before, this form will still work for you!

Here’s what you can expect by signing up:

  • Each week includes columns from National Grange President Betsy Huber, one of our Department Directors, and information about what’s happening at the National Grange
  • The Legislative Department includes two columns a month – one is the “Advocacy Playbook,” which picks a specific issue and helps Grange members know how to get involved; and the last Friday of the month is the “View from the Hill,” which gives a rundown on what’s happening on Capitol Hill and how it affects Grange policy.

So, if you’re feeling a little disconnected from National Grange news and information, be sure to update your subscription to the National Grange’s newsletters!

National Grange Heirloom Program

Grange Heirlooms are snippets from the lessons of the Grange as taught in the Ritual and Declaration of Purposes. Please share “success stories” about the use of the program with us or if you come up with other innovative ways to incorporate the Program in your Granges. Information and materials are now available on the National Grange Website.

“Notes from National” is based on a monthly email received from the National Grange Communications Department.

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