Legislative Report — March 2023

By Linda Weston, Legislative Director

The First Regular Session of the 131st Maine Legislature convened on Wednesday, December 7, 2022. Statutory adjournment is June 21, 2023.

When a request for a bill is filed, it is assigned a Legislative Request (L.R.) number that is used to track the request until it is assigned/printed as a Legislative Document (L.D.).

There were numerous Legislative Request (L.R.) request submitted this session, and not all will become Legislative Documents (L.D.)  and not all LDs will become Law.   It is interesting to see the titles of what have been submitted.  Two links below  – first shows you list by names of Titles by Legislator and second List by Index/Broad Subject.    

The Preliminary List by Legislator  Preliminary List of Working Titles Submitted by Legislators by Cloture, Sorted by Sponsor Name

Another List of LR s – is sorted by Index/Broad Subject.  Preliminary List of Working Titles Submitted by Legislators By Cloture, Sorted by Broad Subject

If you want to know if a request was received and accepted and given a LD number – go to this Page Advanced Search – https://legislature.maine.gov/LawMakerWeb/advancedsearch.asp?error=The+LR+number+range+is+invalid%2E 

In the field “LR Type” put in number of LR number and in the “to” below it same number if you are only looking up that One LR, you could do a range of LRs.  Click search –

If it has been assigned an LD number it will bring you to the LD – click on LD number (Example note LR 1856 became LD 517) – click on LD 517 link it will take you to the Status page.  If the LR number brings up nothing – then the request most likely was not accepted.

From the Status page you can look up Actions, who Sponsors and Co-Sponsors are, what Committee it has been assigned to if it has, hearings that may have been set and other information.

LR 1856 became LD 517 An Act to Allow Maine Families to Deduct Vehicle Excise Taxes on State Income Tax Returns and has been assigned to Taxation Committee, no hearings set as of this writing. 

Suggest you look over the lists of Titles – and look up any you would like to have more information on.  Feel free to contact me if you have questions. 

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