Scam Alert–again!

We’ve reported this in the past, but here’s a reminder. Here’s an example of an email sent recently that you should ignore and delete.

Several things should raise your suspicion. One is the need for discretion, and another is the no-calls request.

To put in highly technical perspective, “it just doesn’t sound right.”

Just ignore it; delete it. If you are concerned, contact Sherry directly, not by replying to this bogus email. There’s also a similar message occasionally being sent by text message to cell phones. They are not connected to the website in any way, and there’s very little I can do beyond issuing an occasional reminder that folks need to be “on guard.”

Another increasingly common scam is an email with an overdue invoice included or attached. Again, think before you you act. It’s the price we pay for technology–similar to the junk mail that arrives in our snail mailbox! It too is annoying, but we don’t need to regret lobbying for RFD years ago, right? And I don’t think we’re going to give up our mailboxes!

Life has its woes so be on your toes!

Bernard Kelvin Clive

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