Communication Shorts 1-16-2023

By Walter Boomsma,
MSG Communications Director
207 343-1842

Communication Shorts are brief (short) but important items posted for your information and use. Send us your ideas and thoughts!

January Bulletin

The January Bulletin is now available! Remember, you can always find recent issues of the Bulletin on the Program Books and Information Page.

Didja Notice?

We’ve added a “subscribe” menu item–if you aren’t receiving email from us, check it out!

Got a Minute? Got a Pie? Got a Meal?

It seems ironic that after encouraging you to enjoy a minute listening to the podcast “Dropping by the with a Pie” posted by Plain Values Magazine, MSG CWA Directory Margaret Henderson reported dropping by a neighbor’s with a meal.

Grange Month Is Coming!

Even without counting on your fingers, you know Grange Month starts in just over two months! What’s the plan? How will your Grange celebrate? Don’t forget to submit your plans and events to the website!

Website Report

In case you missed it in my Communications Column, your MSG website was viewed over 1500 times during December 2022–and over 20,000 times during the entire calendar year 2022.

A Few Thank You’s

Special thanks this month to Marilyn Stinson for sharing some of our posts on her Facebook Feed! To Michelene Decrow, Barry Tracy, and Dave Gowen for their recent support and feedback on the website. Golly, this could get long… to all of you who support and contribute to the site!

Do You Love the Grange?

The world wants to hear about it! Fill out the simple I Love the Grange Form… it only takes a couple of minutes! Thanks to all who have shared so far!

Ideas for Granges

Maybe it’s time to shift some of our thinking from what our community needs to what it wants. They might be the same, but thinking about wants creates a different slant. How about every Granger asking at least one person, “What would make our community a happier place?” and reporting the answers at the next Grange Meeting?

Thought for You…

“While we are living in the present, we must celebrate life every day, knowing that we are becoming history with every work, every action, every deed.”

Mattie Stepanek

Online Directories Available 24-7

  • The ODD Directory features all state officers, directors, and deputies with contact information.
  • The Directory of Granges features all Granges in the state with a contact person. Please make sure your listing is correct!

Do You Have FOMO?

“FOMO” is, of course, a Fear Of Missing Out. One strongly recommended treatment is to subscribe to the Maine State Grange Website. We’ll send you a daily summary whenever news and columns are posted, and we won’t share your email address with anyone!

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