CWA Report – January 2023

By Margaret Henderson, Director
Committee on Women’s Activities
207 948-2762

Committee on Women’s Activities

Happy New Year, Everyone!

 I hope that you all enjoyed the holidays with family and friends. I found out a few days before Christmas, that my neighbor, who is in a wheelchair would be alone. I cooked the meal and took it over to her apartment, where we enjoyed our meal and then I did the dishes. It made me happy that I could do something special for her.

 I am hoping that you folks are working on entries for the contests. There are so many things we can do inside on cold or snowy days.

I am praying that you are all healthy and safe.

Webmaster’s Note: Did you listen to “Dropping by with a Pie?” Dropping by with a meal is a great version of it! Nice job, Margaret!

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