Membership Moments – November 2022

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

Remember, it is difficult to attract new members if your Grange is inactive. It has been a challenge during the past year, however, many Granges have “switched gears” from the normal “we have always done it that way”. Creativity and new ways of doing routine things have resulted in success for many. My Grange did (with success) the “trunk or treat” on Halloween night. We had many who stopped by to receive a bag full of goodies and many more who drove by waving and honking. It seemed like the adults had just as much fun as the young ones. The publicity from those who noticed us outside having a grand ole time was welcomed. During these difficult times, the members were excited to try different ways and came up with some wonderful projects. This was noticed by the community. It seemed to bring us closer together and strengthened our bonds even with social distancing.

There are many things Granges can be doing as the holidays approach to keep active and to bring awareness to potential new members. Donations to your local food bank, Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets to the unfortunate, help to the veterans, making Christmas cards for the elderly and shut-ins at nursing homes or rehab center, and checking in with members who cannot make it to the meetings are a few things that come to mind. Or you may have your own ideas which I wish you would share so that they can be forwarded to others in future columns.

It has been difficult this year to visit and to do membership drives, however, social media is a great way to boost your publicity and attract new members. Use social media to post events and remind others that the Grange is better than ever and is there to serve. Change happens and change is good. It keeps us thinking of new ideas and gets us out of the annual project rut where we tend to do the same things over and over without enthusiasm or thought. Change keeps us fresh, alive, and productive as well as motivated and excited. Non-members will pick up on that excitement and that will make it easier to attract them. Also, people tend to get stir crazy stuck at home during this pandemic and will be eager to get involved in something positive, new and exciting to get them out of their ruts. That is why communication, social media, publicity and being  active will help you in your drive for new members. Now is a great time to increase your membership. Keep an open mind, a positive attitude and updated planning of new events. Take advantage of these down times to boost your Grange. We will do it!! Remember, I am available to help you with any questions or ideas to help you boost your membership.

May every Granger be safe during the holiday season and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas! God bless.

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