Notes from National – August 2022

Gleaned from an email written by Phil Vonada, National Grange Communications Director

Rural Minds Partnership

Rural Minds is a non-profit focused on increasing awareness and reducing the stigma of mental health issues in rural America. Coming up in September is a webinar that is co-produced by Rural Minds and the National Grange on Rural Suicide Awareness & Prevention. (Information about the webinar will be posted and is available on the MSG Conferences and Dates Page.)

Good Day! Magazine

The latest issue of Good Day! has been sent to print and should be reaching mailboxes soon. Please consider subscribing or purchasing a subscription for their Grange or local schools or libraries. There’s also the option to subscribe to a virtual copy for readers who don’t want a physical magazine.

Grange Fairs Across the Nation

Phil Vonado, National Grange Communications Director, would love to know of any Granges in your state that run or are heavily involved in the organization of community/county/state fairs. He hopes to make this the feature of the October Good Day! magazine and connect with these Granges – especially smaller ones!

A Quarter’s Worth

The next deadline for A Quarter’s Worth submissions is November 1st. Please send these to Ann Bercher ( (A Quarter’s Worth is the National Grange Lecturer’s Newsletter.)

Phil’s Challenge for August

Words have power behind them, and the words and phrases that we choose to use are very important! Negative words and language can lead to negative energy within yourself and within the Grange as a whole. But how often have you said, “We used to do…” or “We don’t have the people for…”? 

Using negative/negating language can be a hard habit to break. I know I’m guilty of it myself. I encourage you to find a positive spin – “We could try…” or “We’re up to the challenge of…” are good places to start. Allow new members to bring new energy into the organization; give things a try, and encourage new members (and long-time members) to try something new.

When you hear yourself (or anybody else in your Grange) saying things that either take ownership away from a person or an idea, try flipping the language into something affirming. Building people up and encouraging new things is going to help grow the organization.

Please consider this when writing up your reports for this year. Despite challenges or setbacks, let’s look for the positives – and I know every state has done some incredible things this year!

National Grange Convention

156th National Grange Convention will be held at the Nugget Casino Resort in Sparks, Nevada, from November 15-19, 2022. Visit the National Grange Website for information and to register. Early bird registrations are open until September 9, 2022.

National Grange Heirloom Program

Grange Heirlooms are snippets from the lessons of the Grange as taught in the Ritual and Declaration of Purposes. Please share “success stories” about the use of the program with us, or if you come up with other innovative ways to incorporate the Program in your Granges. Information and materials are now available on the National Grange Website.

New Member Recognition in Good Day Magazine

Want to see your new members recognized in Good Day Magazine? Anyone who has not been recognized as a new member in the past year can be included. Use this link to share the news. The deadlines for each issue are:

  • November 30, 2022

“Notes from National” is based on a monthly email received from the National Grange Communications Department.

156th National Grange Session is scheduled for November 15-19, 2022 in Sparks, NV

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