President’s Perspective — July 2022

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

STATE GRANGE SESSION Here it is July already, which means three months away from State Grange, October 20 & 21, 2022 at the Auburn Masonic Hall, 1021 Turner Rd, Auburn. See this for a basic schedule and information. I am very pleased to announce our National Representative at State Session will be Ann Bercher, Lecturer of the National Grange and Master/President of the Minnesota State Grange, I know you will give her a warm welcome.

We are looking for someone to do the Rose Drill for us. Contact Sherry if you are interested.

MASTERS and SECRETARIES – A strong reminder – correct information for Master, Lecturer, Secretary and CWA Chairman listing the address, phone, cell phone, and email address for each, are due to the State Grange Secretary as soon as possible after the election has been held. Please type or print clearly. The Master or Master elect of each Grange selects the Committee
Chairmen for the Grange and informs the Secretary who those people are. The Secretary gets and/or checks the name, address, phone, email, etc. for each of the people involved, please fill in the entire form provided, or email your list to the state office.

RESOLUTIONS are due in the office on August 15, 2022, either email or standard mail to 146 State St., Augusta 04330. Submit both ways to ensure we receive them. Each resolution is required to have a title when it is submitted to the office, I cannot give them a title–your Grange must come up with one. The resolution must be voted on by the Grange submitting the resolution. After the 15th, we then have to print everything and mail all resolutions back to each Grange. This all takes time.

OFFICER and DEPARTMENT REPORTS are due in the office no later than September 15, 2022 (written or emailed to the office and to my email I prefer emailed reports. These dates may seem early but getting everything put together for the session takes time, especially when we have to keep adding on the procrastinators.

The Delegate Registration, Banquet and Luncheon forms, etc., will be sent later in August.

“Look for the Stars” Banquet will be roast pork, meatloaf, potatoes, salad, green beans, applesauce, rolls, brownies & ice cream, coffee, tea, lemonade and water for $14 per person.

The Ag Luncheon will be assorted sandwiches, chop suey, chips, cookies, coffee, tea, lemonade, and water for $8 per person. The deadline for the meal registration and prepaid is October 5, 2022.

Once again, I will remind you, anyone may attend the State Grange Session, as long as you are a Fourth Degree (Subordinate/Community level) Grange member and have the passwords for the gate. (To receive the passwords from your Grange, your dues must be paid.) After the opening on the first day of State Session is completed, we lower to the Fourth Degree and all work is conducted in the Fourth Degree, like your regular Grange meeting you are welcome to sit in at the meeting and listen. Only registered delegate(s), may vote on the issues and elections, but this does not exclude you from attending.


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