Membership Moments — July 2022

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

I hope all are having a great summer. The weather has been good and people are getting out and enjoying the fresh air. Stores seem to be busy and traffic seems to be heavier than normal. After two years of COVID and people being afraid to go out of their homes, it seems great to see people milling about. Lawn sales (or whatever you call them) are everywhere, outdoor fundraising activities are abundant and Granges are joining in as well with their own fundraising activities. It is great to look on the Maine State Grange website and to see what is happening at various Granges. Their advertising is enthusiastic, their stories are refreshing and their events are successful due to hard work and teamwork. One of the most fulfilling things about Grange (for me) is to see organized and hard-working members happily serving the needs of the community. The Grange Hall provides a fun place to have a meal, socialize, smile, help others, and feel good about yourself and others.  It is also a place where legislative resolutions are presented, business is conducted and event planning is done. When explaining to others about Grange and what it does, enthusiastically tell them about all of the above. Many persons would love to be a Grange member; all you have to do is ask. Speak often, advertise often, keep busy and continue to be fulfilled. Others can sometimes “read” our facial expressions and feel our likes and dislikes about any topic. So when you want to attract new members speak with passion, be enthusiastic, be positive, and provide proficient information to the inquirers. Keep your doors open for new membership.

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