A Note Regarding Zoom Accounts

by Walter Boomsma, MSG Communications Director

As most of you know, I operate Abbot Village Press providing “books, blogs, and education.” The Zoom meeting platform has become an important tool for us!

For this reason, I recently received notice from Zoom Video Communications that included:

…As a result, effective on April 1, 2022, the purchase of video-conferencing and audio-conferencing services by residential and business customers with a sold to address in Maine will be subject to the Maine Service Provider Tax. Maine Revenue Services set the Service Provider Tax rate, which is 6%, and will adjust the percentage as needed. 

With the disclaimer that I am not a tax advisor, I can share that the state of Maine does provide an exemption for a number of different kinds of organizations and institutions, such as hospitals, schools, churches and libraries, etc. Obviously, personal accounts will not qualify for the exemption, but your Grange or other organization (including historical societies which appear to be eligible) might. To explore and apply, visit: https://www.maine.gov/revenue/taxes/sales-use-service-provider-tax/tax-exempt-organizations

For most organizations, the savings would not be significant, but most people I know do enjoy avoiding paying taxes!

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