Androscoggin Grange Starts Fundraiser!

Want to learn about a Grange with ambition? You’ve got to read this article written by Vanessa Paolella of the Sun Journal. The Androscoggin Grange located in Greene, Maine has kicked off what has to be one of the most ambitious Grange fundraising projects in some time! And, as if to both encourage and show the possibilities, the article also reports on the recent successes of Victor Grange in Fairfield. Is a trend developing?

Check out what Androscoggin Grange Master Patricia Lehoux has to say about their future plans. They are not just hoping people will donate; they are already planning events that will allow their community to enjoy helping.

Julia Cody recently joined Androscoggin Grange and has set up a “Go Fund Me” page encouraging donations from anyone who would like to help keep this “beacon of unity, liberty, and charity” glowing.

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