View from the Farm – April 2023

Webmaster’s note: The format of this column has changed a bit, with all of the Quill’s Endians participating at various times and in various ways! This month’s column is written by Phil.

A quote attributed to Paul Harvey reads, “Despite all of our accomplishments, we owe our existence to six inches of topsoil and the fact that it rains.”

Here near the 45th parallel, we make haste to work with that topsoil and rain to grow food and fodder in the few months of growing weather we have.

It really is astonishing that such a small amount of time is adequate for abundance.  For months here, the earth sleeps, the trees sleep, some of the critters sleep.  But what we have is enough for abundance.

This week, with the frost out of the ground and temperatures forecasted to be in the sixties, our places will awaken suddenly instead of slowly.  The race for abundance will begin anew.  Nature, content with such a small window of time, will amaze us with possibilities.

I’ve always held that to be a successful northerner, you must concentrate on short-term memory; that is, live in the present.  Soon, winter will fade away, and our existence will change.  We will walk out of houses with scant clothing, we will not warm up our vehicles, we will taste of our soil, and remember abundance.

Heather and Phil Retberg and their three children run Quill’s End Farm, a 105-acre property in Penobscot that they bought in 2004. They use rotational grazing on their fifteen open acres and are renovating thirty more acres from woods to pasture to increase grazing for their pigs, grass-fed cattle, lambs, laying hens, and goats. Heather is Vice President of Halcyon Grange #345 and writes a newsletter for their farm’s buying club of farmers in her area and has generously given us permission to share some of her columns with Grangers. Visit the Quill’s End Farm Facebook Page for more information.

Fundraising Report – April 2023

Norma Meserve, MSG Fundraising Chairperson
207 998-2586

Happy Spring! I hope all is going well.

The Fundraising Committee is making plans for our summer fundraising event. This year we are having A Little Of Everything Sale (just like the annual yard sale with a different name).

This will be held on Saturday, June 3, 2023 at Manchester Grange in Manchester from 9:00-1:00. We will be renting tables to anyone interested but the committee will not be selling yard sale items this year. Instead, we are planning to sell to-go “meal starters.” This will include your choice of a pint of one of two kinds of beans or lasagna (with a side of bread). Also, apple crisp or brownie for an extra $1.00.

We are looking for donations of needed ingredients, or a monetary donation to buy needed items. Items we need include- For beans: dried beans, onions, molasses, and dried mustard. For Lasagna: oven ready lasagna noodles, pasta sauce (any kind, any brand), cottage and ricotta cheese and eggs. For Apple Crisp: apples, quick oats, sugar, brown sugar and butter. Also, some family size Brownie Mixes.

If you’d like to help us with a donation or rent a table, please get in touch with me at or 998-2586 and I will help make arrangements.

In addition, we will also be raffling off a $100 Visa Card.

Proceeds from this event will, in part, be used to help replace the furnace and repair the chimney at State Grange Headquarters. Thanks again for all you do, big or small, to help make these events a success.

Membership Moments – April 2023

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

What has your Grange done for Grange month? I know there have been many active Granges doing wonderful things to help the community and to gain membership. Please send me information on what is going on in your area. My Grange is preparing its annual open hall May Basket project for veterans at the VA center and local nursing homes. We invite the community, especially the children, to come in to decorate and fill the baskets. Items used are small travel samples of toothpaste, deodorant, etc. as well as sugar-free candies and a note saying “Thank you for your service”. Tours of the Hall are also coordinated.

Membership drives should be continuous and a priority. Be aware of the upcoming degree days. Without members, we will not exist. The importance of getting new members is needed more than ever. I know you have heard this over and over, but it is our lifeline. Keep active, communicate, and most of all keep your doors open to new members!

    Lecturer’s Column – April 2023

    By Margaret Morse, Maine State Grange Lecturer
    207 439-0413

    Skit Writers Wanted!

    In the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, TV Variety shows were really popular. Shows such as The Red Skelton Show and Carol Burnett Show entertained all ages. Though they often had celebrity guests, the skits or sketches were the most entertaining and what audiences remember. Writers produced parodies of well know shows and commercials. Skits with characters such as Freddie the Freeloader or everyday situations such as going to the dentist were also the basis for popular skits.

    Now it’s your turn to become a skit writer by entering the Skit Writing Contest. Any topic, as long as it is Grange-appropriate, may be used as a theme for your skits. Think about the events that happen daily, work situations, kids playing, and interactions with other people that you might be able to write as a skit.

    Lecturers, maybe instead of having someone read a selection pertaining to your program, the information might be turned into a skit that conveys that information in an entertaining way.

    The Skit Writing Contest is open to all Subordinate Grange members. Each skit must have a title. The skit must be an original work of the person submitting it. The skits must have at least two characters and be able to be performed in under 10 minutes. Every entry must include the Writer’s name, their Grange, including the number and address. All entries must be received by September 1, 2023.

    CWA Report – April 2023

    By Margaret Henderson, Director
    Committee on Women’s Activities
    207 948-2762

    Committee on Women’s Activities

    Happy Spring!

    A beautiful week here in Waldo County.  The weather is warming up, and the snow is melting. Soon the flowers will bloom, and the trees will be budding. Can you tell that I like spring?

    A question had come up about one of the rules for the contests, so after much discussion and consideration, the Members of the Maine State Grange CWA Committee are going to make the following change to the rules for our contests.

    We will now accept the top two entries in each category, from each Pomona Grange at the State contest level. All other rules will remain the same.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you.

    Sagadahoc Fifth Degree

    Wednesday, April 26, 2023

    Special Guest for Sagadahoc Pomona Fifth Degree will be Gerry Simmons, Past Master of Minuteman Pomona and Past Steward of Massachusetts State Grange. Other special guests filling chairs include Rick Grotton, Sharon Morton, and Henry Morton.

    Sagadahoc Pomona will hold its annual Fifth Degree at Enterprise Grange #48, 15 Alexander Reed Road, Richmond, on Wednesday, April 26, 2023. From Main Street in Richmond, take the street across from the library and fire department, and pass two houses and the ballfield.

    A potluck supper at 6:00 with a meeting at 7:00.

    Other Pomonas are welcome to take their candidates. Please be sure the candidates have their applications signed by their Subordinate Master or Secretary. Contact Ben Edgerly or Marilyn Stinson for more info.

    President’s Perspective – April 2023

    By Sherry Harriman,
    Maine State Grange President/Master
    207 490-1029

    The Degree Day on April 23, 2023, has been moved to Manchester Grange at 953 Western Ave, (Route 202) Manchester, ME 04351. The hall is located about 10 miles south/west of Augusta next to Walgreens on Route 202. The reason for the unexpected change was the furnace breakdown at the State Grange office building.

    Spring in Maine, how absolutely wonderful to see the green shoots of the jonquils, daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths, the variety of colors in the crocus beds and patches of green grass showing up here and there, even though those little shoots may still be shivering during the chilly nights, the sun is warming them more and more. With spring comes reopening. Spring is also clean-up time outside and inside for our own yards but this should also include our Grange halls.  Get the lawn raked up, clip the grass and bushes around the steps and foundation, pick up the branches and trash lying around, get the tattered plastic off the windows, and maybe even wash the reachable ones.  Get some new plants in the window boxes and garden.  Repaint your sign, the steps, the railings, and even the door.  We all need an occasional facelift and get ready to provide a welcoming place for your neighbors to trade seeds, starter plants, and gardening advice.

    It is good to hear Granges are getting back in the swing of things in their Grange and Community. REMINDER, there are set things that must happen to have the Grange open in due form or full form to conduct business and take votes.  There must be seven members of that Grange present to be a legal meeting, Assistants open the Bible on Altar, Opening Prayer, Salutation, the Charter MUST be present, the Implement case is opened, the Grange is declared open, and Salute to the Flag. Special meetings or open meetings are exactly as implied, “Special” for a specific, pre-designated event or activity only.  No other business may be conducted.  Open meetings are also set for special events and activities, but NO business may be conducted.

    Recently while reading the information provided for Secretaries by Sharon M., our State Secretary, she talks about keeping the minutes of the meetings.  This includes motions made and the action taken on the motion during the meeting. This was a good place to remind everyone about making motions and recording them to go along with her information.  After a vote is taken on a motion, it is up to the Master to state specifically that the motion was adopted or rejected. They should not just say, “It’s a vote.”  It is always a vote one way or the other, be specific what was the vote’s end result. The Secretary should also be specific about what the outcome of the vote was and note that in the minutes along with the wording of the motion.

    Handling Motions and Voting Procedure

    1. The member should stand and address the Master by saying, “Worthy Master.”
    2. The Master recognizes the member (the member obtains the floor).
    3. The member from that Grange makes a motion by saying, “I move that…”  or  “I would like to make a motion to …. “
    4. The Master then asks for a second to the motion.  (If no one seconds the motion, it is lost, and no discussion may continue on the subject.)
    5. Another member of that Grange seconds the motion.
    6. The Secretary records the wording of the motion.
    7. The Master repeats the motion for all to hear.
    8. The Master asks, “Is there any discussion?” Only at this point are debate and/or questions allowed.
    9. A motion may be amended (wording changed, added, or deleted) by making another motion saying, “I move to amend this motion to …” Again, it must be seconded.  The amendment (changes)  is voted on first.  The Secretary records the changes.
    10. If the changes are adopted, then the amended motion is taken up as a whole.
    11. If the changes are not adopted, then you go back to the original motion. 
    12. Hearing that there is no more debate/discussion, the Master puts the question to a vote by saying, “All in favor of the motion as stated will make it manifest by the voting sign of the order.”  After this vote, the Master will say “Down hands” and ask, “All opposed by the same sign.”  The Master must ask for those in favor and those opposed on each motion presented.  The voting sign of the order is the end of the sign for the First Degree.
    13.  The Master announces the result of the vote by saying, “The Motion carries; is adopted or is affirmative.” If the vote is negative, “the Motion is rejected or lost.” Specific words adopted or rejected must be included in his/her report.  Then make it official with one rap of the gavel.   
    14. The Secretary records the result of the vote for the motion using the specific words “motion carries/adopted or motion lost/rejected”. 

    A simple majority is needed for a motion to be approved or rejected unless it is a Bylaw change.  In this case 2/3 of those present and voting is required.  Also, Bylaw changes must be held over to the next meeting, and all members notified of the changes and the meeting date for the vote.

    Other dates I have scheduled for information/instruction meetings:

    • Apr. 22, 1:00 pm Arbutus not confirmed. Call ahead.
    • May 13, 1:00 pm – 3:30 Cumberland Pomona hosting at N. Scarborough
    • May 15, 6:00 pm refreshments; 7:00 pm meeting Evening Star
    • June 22, 6:30 pm Paugus
    • June 27, 1:00 pm Searsport 

    The Springfield Fair date has been changed to June 15 – 18. NE Youth Conference will be July 15 and 16, hosted by Vermont, more info to come.

    Highland Lake Grange April Turkey Supper

    Saturday, April 22, 2023, 4:30 – 6:30 pm

    Highland Lake Grange will have a roasted turkey drive-up, take-out-only dinner on Saturday, April 22, 2023, from 4:30 – 6:00. NOTE: Serving may start earlier if we have a long line of cars for safety.

    There will be roasted turkey, green beans, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, bread, cranberry sauce, and cake. The cost is $10.00 per person. Please have the exact price for the meal(s) you want. You will drive up, pay and receive your meal: no substitutions or pre-orders. The Grange is located near the corner of Rt 302 and Hardy Road, Westbrook.  FMI Joann Levesque 207 233 7119.

    Parkman Grange Seeks Scholars

    The Parkman Grange is announcing plans to award 2023 Minnie Welts Bridge Memorial Scholarships to one or more deserving SAD 4 residents continuing their education beyond high school. The Grange last awarded $500 scholarships to Eben Cooley of Parkman and Mercy Harper of Sangerville in 2022.

    This is a call for qualified applicants for the 2023 Minnie Welts Bridge Memorial Scholarships. Applicants must be SAD 4 residents, must have successfully completed at least one term of post-high school education, and must be enrolled for the upcoming term. Application packages may be picked up at any of the Parkman, Guilford, and Sangerville Town Offices, as well as the Guilford Library. Completed applications must be submitted by July 14, 2023, with no exceptions. Winners will be announced in August.

    Minnie Bridge (1909-2011) was a lifelong resident of Parkman, a retired schoolteacher, and a life member of the Parkman Grange. In her memory, the Grange established the Minnie Welts Bridge Memorial Scholarship Fund, originally to benefit deserving Parkman students continuing their education beyond high school. Due to a lack of Parkman applicants in 2021, the Grange expanded eligibility to include all SAD 4 residents.

    The Grange annually awards one or more Scholarships funded through donations and the proceeds from an annual supper in Minnie’s honor. To date, the Grange has awarded $13,000 in scholarships. For more information, contact Sue Manchester at 277-3942.

    From the Deacon’s Bench – April 2023

    By Clay Collins, MSG Chaplain
    207 837-0564

    “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him He who believes in Him is not condemned; he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.”

    John 3:16-18

    Another month has come and gone along with the blistering cold weather of winter (we hope!). We look forward to April and the warmer weather that Spring brings. We should, also, be looking forward to Easter, and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.

    In last month’s column, I mentioned that God had a plan for Jesus (and us!), and that it is a wonderful plan. This month we have a chance to “witness” this remarkable plan, the resurrection of Jesus.

    The resurrection is only part of the story! We must not forget the amount of suffering Jesus went through, the abandonment by His friends, the denial, the “trial”, and finally, the crucifixion.

     Not only did Jesus suffer on the cross, but His friends suffered, also. In spite of all that He went through; the pain, and humiliation, He did not condemn His accusers and abusers, but instead, He asked forgiveness from the Father, stating, “They know not what they do.”

    We should take a page from that “book”. Forgive those who persecute, and ridicule us; for they do not know what they do. If they ridicule us, they do not really know us. Forgive them as Jesus did.

    Remember, God loves us all!!

    Happy Easter, and happy Spring!

     Until the next time, remember, “Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.”

    Benediction: “Gracious Father of us all, help us to remember the teachings of Jesus, especially when He was on the cross. Help us to forgive. Amen.”

    Thought for the month:
    May your neighbors respect you, troubles neglect you, the angels protect you, and Heaven accept you.

    An Irish Blessing for Health and Prosperity