Mill Stream Grange Degree Day/Officer Installation

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Mill Stream Grange in Vienna will hold a Degree Day and Officer Installation on Saturday, October 15, 2022. The Four Degrees will be conferred in the morning, starting at 9:00 am. Installation of Officers will begin at 1:00 pm in the afternoon. A light lunch will be served following the Degrees. For more information and to R.S.V.P. with the number attending, please call Judy Dunn at 293-2330.

Rebecca loves the Grange!

Truly a local organization with down to earth people.

Rebecca Wentworth, Halcyon Grange #345

What about you?

Do you love the Grange? Can you explain what’s great about being a member? It only takes a minute to click the button and tell the world!

Membership Moments — September 2022

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

September and October are my favorite months of the year. The warm days and cool nights are refreshing and the colors of the changing foliage (also football games) are my favorites. State Grange session is almost upon us. This is also a great time for autumn events at your Grange. Also, many of us spend much of our time at various agricultural fairs displaying our crops and handiwork to compete for that elusive blue ribbon and cash to fund our projects.  Publicity runs high in these two months and we should be proud of our products out there for public view. Be proud of displaying your wares and be grateful for the admiration of others who enjoy the result of your hard work throughout the year. I have seen some beautiful displays and it makes me proud to be a Granger. Also, harvest suppers and “trunk or treat” Halloween gatherings are fun for the community and for ourselves.  Keep up the good work Brothers and Sisters!

Remember, adding new members is a top priority and should be a constant venture. Without water, we and other living things wither up and die; without new members, our Grangers do the same. Membership is our lifeblood, and we should constantly be working to increase membership. Does your Grange have a membership committee? If not, you should. No matter how small or large your membership is, adding new members is always needed, just as the blood pumps through our veins and the sunlight helps our plants to grow.

How did you come about becoming a member? If you joined other than by family, you were recruited as was I. My life changed immediately for the better as I had a whole new family to meet and to create lasting friendships. Growing and learning were constant and I felt grateful for the changes that I endured (some beyond my control). Early on, I had not envisioned myself as a leader or a public speaker and especially as a State Grange Master (President).  Think of your own experiences. Wouldn’t you want others to feel the same way you do about Grange? The passion when speaking to others will certainly be noticed and felt by them. Encourage them to visit and invite them to events. Even ask them for their ideas about how to run a particular project or their opinions about an event. Make them welcome and be open to their ideas. Positive energy yields positive results. So, get out there with a smile and a goal; to bring in the new members! I hope to see you at State Grange session in October.

Junior Report — September 2022

By Marilyn Stinson
207 380-3901
and Terry LaCombe Stevens,
207 356-2492

It’s been a summer of historical events for the Juniors. They’ve been to Old Fort Western and cut wood for the fires, cooked as the colonists did, carded wool, and learned about feather beds as well as had a picnic and played on the playground in Augusta. Had craft times and fun times at MSG Headquarters. Then they visited The Knight House, which is the oldest house in Androscoggin County, and learned more about historical times, including kitchen tools and games from Revolutionary Days. The two boys, ages 12 and 13, played hopscotch and enjoyed each other’s company. Many thanks to Danville Junction for hosting their meeting in August.

Their crafts have been mostly judged and the stars going to BigE were sent for judging there. We still have their Sand Art crafts to be judged, which have been displayed at the three fair exhibits to earn money for their activities and donations. Their photos and drawings will be part of the State Lecturer’s contests in October.

Hopefully, there will be someone to continue exhibiting at the fairs next year. Marilyn is willing to help but is physically unable to continue the setup. They earned $341.00 at fairs near Marilyn – Pittston, Windsor, and Litchfield, and she has enjoyed promoting the Juniors, showing they are alive and involved. We need to find someone to set up more exhibits in other areas. Can you do it??? Marilyn will help with writing posters and emailing them to anyone able to print and display them.

They have practiced a song for their program after the banquet at State Session in Auburn and plan to get together at the hotel where the Co-directors are staying to go over last-minute stuff and use the pool. There will be a table to show what was exhibited at the fairs, and the kids can pick up whatever they’ve made at State Session.

Between now and then, they will meet for their “Grow Juniors” meeting at Tranquility Grange in Lincolnville Beach so the SW kids can meet with the NE kids in a central place.

Many thanks to the committee members who worked so diligently this year, and prayers for the ones who will be involved next year.

Let’s continue with the “Spring Challenge” meeting in the spring and the “Grow Juniors” meeting in the fall. All to help with the Junior Motto of “Improvement”

Winthrop Grange Estate Sale and Lite Luncheon

October 1, 2022, 8 am – 2 pm

Save the date for our fundraiser! On October 1, 2022, from 8 am-2 pm, The Winthrop Grange will host an indoor Estate Sale and Lite Luncheon. The Grange was the lucky recipient of an estate clean-out that will help us raise funds for future projects and community activities.

In addition to the sale inside, The Grange will serve the following food options- clam chowder, tomato basil soup, hot dogs, and grilled cheese sticks.  Homemade apple crisp and cookies will also be available for purchase as well. 

Make sure to stop by and visit us, have some lunch and maybe take a few things home with you. We are located at 601 Old Lewiston Road, just down the road from Charlie’s Chevrolet and Rt. 202.  For more information, please feel free to reach out to Kathy at 207 500 9864  or email

Highland Lake Grange October Turkey Supper

Saturday, October 8, 2022, 4:30 to 6:00

Highland Lake Grange will be having a roasted turkey drive-up, take-out only, dinners on Saturday, October 8, 2022 (and Saturday, November 12, 2022) from 4:30-6:00. There will be roasted turkey, green beans, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, bread, cranberry sauce, and cake. The cost is $10.00 per person. Please have the exact price for the meal(s) you want.. You will drive up, pay and receive your meal. No substitutions or pre-orders. If a long line of cars develops, serving may start earlier for safety. The Grange is located near the corner of Rt 302 and Hardy Road, Westbrook.  FMI Joann Levesque 207 233 7119.

CWA Report — September 2022

By Margaret Henderson, Director
Committee on Women’s Activities
207 948-2762

Committee on Women’s Activities

Here is the list of winners!

Needlework Contest:

  • Class A Afghan, Ellie Collins
  • Class B Doilies, Nancy Gowen
  • Class C Embroidery, Jackie Morgan
  • Class D 3 Piece Baby Set, Ann Burns
  • Class E Plastic Canvas, Ellie Collins
  • Class G Adult Garment, Ellie Collins
  • Class H Latch Hook, Lila Wilkins
  • Class I Quilted Wall Hanging, Kathy Gowen
  • Class J Stuffed Toy, Kathy Seigars
  • Class K Baby Afghan, Kathy Seigars
  • Class L Children’s Garments, Laurie McBurnie
  • Class M Tablerunners, Rachel Nelson
  • Class N Miscellaneous, Rachel Nelson
  • Class O Decorated Item, Norma Meserve
  • Class P Wooden Item, Kathy Gowen
  • Class Q Tote Bags, Ann Burns

Quilt Contest

  • Class A Barbara Carr
  • Class B. Rachel Nelson
  • Class C Jackie Morgan
  • Class D Karen McCarrick
  • Class E Ellie Collins

Baking, Jackie Morgan
Baking Jr., Mary Coffin
Dress-A-Doll, Jackie Morgan
Best of Show, Jackie Morgan

The winners from Classes A-K were sent to the Big E for New England judging. Thank you to everyone who entered items in these contests. You all do an amazing job. I will look forward to seeing your entries next year.

Also, a big thank you to my committee members, Cynthia Maxwell, Deb Ivers, and Deb Lancaster, for all of their help.

What’s for Supper? When is Supper? Where is Supper?

One of my frustrations as Communication Director is being asked a question about Grange activities and not having the information! As organizations seeking members and supporters, we need to be “out there” with readily available information. Let me share one question I just received with you.

What’s cooking at your Grange?

I have an email from someone interested in attending “Grange bean suppers in October, in the general coastal Maine region.”

So we know what’s wanted for supper, but we don’t know when and where supper is!

If your Grange is planning ANY fundraiser, activity, or special event, please submit the details for posting on the MSG website. The easiest way to do this is through the “Submit Information” tab at the top of the website. If you have photos or flyers, attach them to an email addressed to Make sure you cover all the details, including how someone can get “more information.”

This website averages thousands of views every month. Some of those people are looking for the event you’re holding. Why not tell them about it?

Once you’ve submitted the event, it’s easy to share it on Facebook and other social media. The website is a great place to start!

We are fast approaching the time of year for craft fairs and holiday events. Don’t forget those, either!

From the Deacon’s Bench — September 2022

By Clay Collins, MSG Chaplain
207 837-0564

“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”

Jeremiah 1:5

This month’s scripture can be somewhat confusing to some (I know it is to me: sometimes!). I have dwelt on this topic quite a bit. It was not until I heard a pastor preach on this subject recently that I have some understanding of what it means (or what it is trying to tell me!).

Most of you, who are reading this right now, might disagree with me, but that is your right as individuals. I, on the other hand, might just start a dialog with a few of you (I hope that is the case, as we need to be able to exchange ideas and views with one another).

I do not profess to be a Biblical scholar by any means. On the contrary, I try to maintain an open mind that is ready to receive the “word.” This scripture, to me, is saying that we all are one in the spirit, and the spirit is God the Father. He, and only He, knows us. He knows what we are thinking at all times.

You might think, “If He knows what we are thinking, what we want, and such, then why should we be bothered with prayer?” The answer, as I see it, is He might know what we are thinking and what we want, but He wants us to realize what we need, then ask for it!

It is like children wanting a new bicycle. Do they actually need it, or is it because their friends have one, and they do not want to be left out? As a parent, you know what they need, and that might not be a bicycle at that moment in time.

Yes, we are one in the spirit. We are His, and He is ours! He loves us (we are His children), good or bad.

 Until the next time, remember, “Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.”

Benediction: “Gracious Father, help us to realize that when we are really one in the spirit and the spirit is God.  Amen.”

Thought for the month:
May the sun shine, all day long,
Everything go right and nothing wrong.
May those you love bring love back to you,
and may all the wishes you wish come true

an Irish Blessing for health and prosperity