What’s for Supper? When is Supper? Where is Supper?

One of my frustrations as Communication Director is being asked a question about Grange activities and not having the information! As organizations seeking members and supporters, we need to be “out there” with readily available information. Let me share one question I just received with you.

What’s cooking at your Grange?

I have an email from someone interested in attending “Grange bean suppers in October, in the general coastal Maine region.”

So we know what’s wanted for supper, but we don’t know when and where supper is!

If your Grange is planning ANY fundraiser, activity, or special event, please submit the details for posting on the MSG website. The easiest way to do this is through the “Submit Information” tab at the top of the website. If you have photos or flyers, attach them to an email addressed to webmaster@mainestategrange.org. Make sure you cover all the details, including how someone can get “more information.”

This website averages thousands of views every month. Some of those people are looking for the event you’re holding. Why not tell them about it?

Once you’ve submitted the event, it’s easy to share it on Facebook and other social media. The website is a great place to start!

We are fast approaching the time of year for craft fairs and holiday events. Don’t forget those, either!

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