Membership Moments — September 2022

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

September and October are my favorite months of the year. The warm days and cool nights are refreshing and the colors of the changing foliage (also football games) are my favorites. State Grange session is almost upon us. This is also a great time for autumn events at your Grange. Also, many of us spend much of our time at various agricultural fairs displaying our crops and handiwork to compete for that elusive blue ribbon and cash to fund our projects.  Publicity runs high in these two months and we should be proud of our products out there for public view. Be proud of displaying your wares and be grateful for the admiration of others who enjoy the result of your hard work throughout the year. I have seen some beautiful displays and it makes me proud to be a Granger. Also, harvest suppers and “trunk or treat” Halloween gatherings are fun for the community and for ourselves.  Keep up the good work Brothers and Sisters!

Remember, adding new members is a top priority and should be a constant venture. Without water, we and other living things wither up and die; without new members, our Grangers do the same. Membership is our lifeblood, and we should constantly be working to increase membership. Does your Grange have a membership committee? If not, you should. No matter how small or large your membership is, adding new members is always needed, just as the blood pumps through our veins and the sunlight helps our plants to grow.

How did you come about becoming a member? If you joined other than by family, you were recruited as was I. My life changed immediately for the better as I had a whole new family to meet and to create lasting friendships. Growing and learning were constant and I felt grateful for the changes that I endured (some beyond my control). Early on, I had not envisioned myself as a leader or a public speaker and especially as a State Grange Master (President).  Think of your own experiences. Wouldn’t you want others to feel the same way you do about Grange? The passion when speaking to others will certainly be noticed and felt by them. Encourage them to visit and invite them to events. Even ask them for their ideas about how to run a particular project or their opinions about an event. Make them welcome and be open to their ideas. Positive energy yields positive results. So, get out there with a smile and a goal; to bring in the new members! I hope to see you at State Grange session in October.

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