Annual Reports and Program Books Posted

Here’s an updated list of Annual Reports and Program Books posted to the Program Books and Information Page. There are still a few more to come.

Annual Reports

Program Books

Where’s your report? Have you told us why you love the Grange? It only takes a minute…

Small Grants to Support Ag Well-Being

This article is reprinted with permission from an e-newsletter published by UMaine Extension.

Are you an organization, municipality or entity serving agricultural or fishing communities in Maine? Do you have a project that addresses stress, wellness or safety in Agriculture? The Small Grants for Agricultural Wellness applications are open now until November 15th. Awards range from $1-$5,805, these grants can be used to support Maine farmers and fishers in their mental health and wellness needs (broadly defined).

Applications to the Small Grants Fund are expected to be competitive and to exceed the amount of funding available. Should this be the case, program administrators will rank applications based on a variety of criteria including projected impact, availability of requested services, and potential to support farmers and farm communities categorized by the USDA as historically socially disadvantaged or as Limited-Resource Farm Households.  More information and to apply, can be found on the Maine FRSAN website

Marilyn loves the Grange!

Because of the inter-generational contacts. ALL ages and capabilities are welcome. Kids are cared about and they are learning to be respectful of their elders.

Marilyn Stinson, Enterprise Grange #48 and Maine State Junior Grange #17

What about you?

Do you love the Grange? Can you explain what’s great about being a member? It only takes a minute to click the button and tell the world!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

MSG Comm Department Logo
This article is reprinted with permission from an e-newsletter published by Paul Davis, State Senator for District 4.

October is often a month marked by an explosion of pink scarves, socks, shirts and even those little pink ribbons reminding us that October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It’s a time to support breast cancer survivors and those affected by it, and to perhaps join in the many walks across the state for breast cancer research.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women next to skin cancer. About one in eight women in the U.S. will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of their lifetime, and it even affects one in 1,000 men across the nation.

Although breast cancer mostly occurs among older women, it does affect women under the age of 45 in rare cases. About nine percent of all new cases in the United States are found in women younger than 45, and the risk increases substantially for those aged 50 and older.

In general, cancer rates in Maine are the worst in New England and significantly higher than the national average, according to the Maine Cancer Foundation. Not only is cancer the leading cause of death in Maine, one in three individuals will receive a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime.

The U.S. CDC recommends that women get regular mammograms, which it said is the best way to detect breast cancer in its early stages when it is easier to treat and before it is big enough to feel or cause symptoms. They also administer the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP), which provides breast and cervical cancer screenings and diagnostic services to women who have low incomes and are uninsured or underinsured.

For more information about breast cancer and resources that are available, visit the American Cancer Society or Maine Cancer Foundation. For more information about the CDC’s Early Detection Program and upcoming Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks in Maine, please visit their respective websites.

Breast Cancer Month Logo

Parkman Grange Santa Project

The Parkman Grange is again administering the Santa Project for all kids, newborns to high school seniors living in the MSAD#4 area. This includes Abbot, Cambridge, Guilford, Parkman, Sangerville, and Wellington.  This program provides warm winter coats, boots, and a toy or two for local kids whose families could use a little help this Christmas.  Paper applications are available at each town office or anytime from the bulletin board on the Grange porch, located at the corner of State Hwy 150 and North Dexter Road.  The application deadline is November 11, 2022.  Distribution will be on December 18, 2022.

If you would like to help out with a donation, checks can be made out to Parkman Grange, memo line: Santa Project.  Send to Parkman Grange, PO BOX 114, Guilford, ME 04443.  Donation jars and Angel trees will be set out in November.  This is a big project, and community support makes it possible. Thank you.  For more info, call Sue Manchester at 277-3942.  

Family Game Night, St George Grange #421

October 4, 2022 6 pm –9 pm

A free night of family fun! Games will be provided, or bring one to share! Light refreshments will be available for sale. Come to the St George Grange Grange Hall at 32 Wiley’s Corner Road, St George ME. For more information, Contact Holly Welch 207 890-3514.

Fraternal Concern – Roger Shorty

by Walter Boomsma, MSG Communications Director

It becomes my sad duty to inform you of the passing of Roger Shorty on September 16, 2022. A Celebration of Life will be held September 26, 2022 at Victor Grange at 11:30 am. I understand Roger served as a deputy, and had been involved in several state committees, and he and his wife Wanda were honored as the State Grange Young Couple many years ago.

Obituary of Roger Shorty

Many thanks to Barb Bailey of Victor Grange for her assistance and providing this information.

More Annual Reports Posted

Annual Reports and Program Books are posted to the Program Books and Information Page as received. We’ve recently added the following annual reports.

Where’s your report? Have you told us why you love the Grange? It only takes a minute…

Valley Grange Collects!

Valley Grange is located in Guilford, Maine

At our September Meeting, we created some piles–PB&J for the Bangor Savings Bank Drive, Lap Afghans for the Veterans’ Operation Gratitude Program, and raffle tickets! We also added 350 knitted hats from Blistered Finger Knitter Roberta in New Jersey. Do knitting needles ever wear out?

An order of dictionaries for our annual “Words for Thirds Dictionary Day Project will be placed soon. Since starting the program in 2004, we’ve provided nearly 3,000 dictionaries to students throughout the area. If COVID cooperates, we hope to do more “in-person” presentations this year.

We forgot to put the hats in the picture!

Raffle tickets are on sale and available from any member, or call Janice Boomsma at 343-1496. We’ll be drawing the winners at our November meeting and look forward to handing out $250 in prizes! Community support is needed and appreciated!

Our schedule for the rest of the year:

  • Friday, October 21, 2022, we’ll have a potluck supper at 6 pm and a meeting at 7 pm. This is usually the meeting at which we prepare for dictionary days by labeling the books, assembling the hats and mittens from our Blistered Finger Knitters for distribution, and resisting our second annual “Sock it to Us” efforts. The program was so successful last year we may be “good to go” this year! Jim and Mary are Grange Bees* for this meeting.
  • Friday, November 18, 2022, will include the usual potluck supper at 6 pm and program at 7 pm and include drawing our raffle winners. Walter and Janice are Grange Bees for this meeting.
  • Friday, December 2, 2022, is our Fellowship Breakfast for Supper–you can come in your jammies! This is always a fun night… we start at 6 pm by enjoying some breakfast specialties such as homemade muffins, breakfast casseroles, “Walter’s French Toast,” and assorted treats and surprises. It’s all about food, fellowship, and family… you won’t want to miss it!

Get those dates on your calendar and plan to join us for any or all of these gatherings! We plan to keep our hall open through the winter and appreciate all who help and support us in some way.

Unfortunately, another Grange in our area is closing–St. Albans now joins Garland Grange as “closed.” Valley Grange would certainly welcome members from these two Granges with open arms. If you were a member of St. Albans or Garland Grange and would like to join us, contact secretary Mary Annis (564-0820), and she’ll make it happen!

*Grange Bees are the unofficial hosts for a meeting who make sure the heat’s on, the hall is ready, and we have everything we need. If you’d like a turn, we’ll not only show you how we have a checklist!

Some October Events

Are you submitting your events to the MSG website calendar?

  • October 1, 2022, Winthrop Grange Estate Sale and Lite Luncheon, 9 am – 2 pm at Winthrop Grange.
  • October 1, 2022 Irish Dance and Ceilidh at Ocean View Grange in Port Clyde. Contact Larry at 207 372-8075 for more information.
  • October 5, 2022, MSG Ag Luncheon and Banquet Reservations are due.
  • October 6, 2022, Piscataquis Pomona Grange meets at Valley Grange at 7 pm. FMI contact Pomona Master Bill Bemis at 924-4123.
  • October 8, 2022, Drive-up, take-out Turkey Supper at Highland Lake Grange.
  • October 8, 2022, Flea Market at Ocean View Grange in Port Clyde. Contact Maryann at 207 372-8629 for more information.
  • October 14, 2022, MSG Bulletin Deadline — columns and posts are due.
  • October 15, 2022, Degree Day (9 am) and Officer Installation (1 pm) at Mill Stream Grange. For more information and to R.S.V.P. with the number attending, please call Judy Dunn at 293-2330.
  • Photo, coloring, and art lecturer’s contest entries are due at State Session. Contact MSG Lecturer for more information.
  • October 20-21, 2022, Maine State Grange Annual Convention at the Auburn Masonic Hall. Complete information is available here!
    • October 20, 2022, Look for the Stars Banquet at 6 pm
    • October 21, 2022, Ag Luncheon at 12 noon
  • October 29 Jonesboro Grange Spooktacular 9 am – 2 pm at Jonesboro Grange.