Communications Column – January 2024

Looking forward… communicating forward

By Walter Boomsma
207 343-1842
Communications Director

So here we are, several weeks into a new year. I’m always a bit overwhelmed by the changes required when that happens. But it’s also an opportunity to look forward and think about what the new year might bring. In terms of the Maine State Grange Website, this will be an informal “State of the Site” Report.

Have you noticed? All posts and pages now have an “estimated reading time” at the top. It’s a bit of an experiment with the goal of making the site more useful. The idea is to give users some idea of how long it might take to review the post or page. It’s based on “average” reading speeds, and your mileage may vary, but we’d love to know what you think of this feature.

What you aren’t seeing is some continuing “under the hood” changes. The emphasis of these changes is to increase security and improve the speed of the site. Hopefully, you’ll notice! For one thing, we are having very little “downtime” of the site–it remains available, active, and dependable.

We recently completed an audit of Pomona and Subordinate Grange Links. For those Granges who maintain their own websites or Facebook Pages, this is designed to drive traffic to you! However, we do not want to send people to a closed business–or one that has the appearance of being closed. If nothing has been posted or updated in the past year, the link is removed. As a result of the audit, we are losing at least two Facebook Pages. I do try to contact someone from the Grange involved before removing the links. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please let me know.

By the way, we recently added links to Trenton Grange’s Website and Facebook Page. Both are excellent examples of local promotion of an active, relevant Grange! Check them out!

In a similar vein, we’ve been updating the online directory of Granges with the latest Roster Information. This is an important aspect of the site–it’s how people with an interest in the Grange find someone to contact. Currently, one contact is listed with a phone number and email address (if we have them). Under consideration for this year is the possibility of adding a second contact for each Grange. It’s more to maintain, but it doubles the chance that people can reach a Grange when they are interested!

There’s lots more going on and under consideration. Thanks to those who consistently support the site by submitting events and news. As we continue to search for ways to make the site more attractive and useful, your ideas and feedback are critical! We have limited resources but literally thousands of potential reporters and contributors. Please submit information about what’s going on in your Grange! Consider writing a short article or post about something of interest to Grangers. (We’ll be saying more about this in the future.) Tell us why you love the Grange.

What have you got for us?

► FACT: It won’t be a surprise that in 2023, October was the site’s busiest month. It might be a surprise that August was second with over 2,000 views!

View from the Farm – January 2024

Webmaster’s note: The format of this column includes all of the Quill’s Endians participating at various times and in various ways! Phil writes this month’s column.

No Need for Words

It has been a week for new beginnings at Quill’s End Farm. A new batch of 8-week-old piglets from Spring Tide Farmstead in Sedgwick arrived first. Then came two heifers from cows Pippin and Ariel.

Most times, calvings go ever so smoothly, and sometimes, well…snafu.

Pippin made a snafu. In the wee hours of Wednesday, she birthed her heifer in the coldest spot in the barn. You’ll recall we had some weather on Wednesday. By the time I arrived in the barn for morning milking, that little calf was cold, and her attempts to stand weren’t enough. Calves really need to get up and going quickly. They also need to find that magical colostrum elixir to survive and thrive. I tucked her into a warmer spot for the duration of milking time. But by the time I finished, she could barely suck on a nipple. 

Fortunately, under slightly different circumstances last year, I learned how to intubate a calf. That saved a life this week, as her first four feedings required nothing of her. Every chore time, we offered her a bottle with her mother’s warm milk. Yet on day two, even Carolyn’s hour-long effort only put four ounces into her. 

Imagine our surprise the next chore time when Carolyn tried again and the calf nursed down a litre (just over a quart here in the USA) in record time. We knew then she would make it. My heart jumped the next morning when upon my arrival in the barn, she was nursing from Mama Pippin like a champ. No more intervention needed.

In stark contrast, Ariel (Pippin’s daughter) calved this morning. I knew it would happen today because she told me.

When a dairy cow is on vacation from lactation, she does not come into the milking parlor. The cows in milk know their turn and wait at the door to the parlor accordingly. Ariel has not set her aims toward that door for two months, but she did this morning. Over the half door, she looked at me longingly as if needing attention, and then found a spot in the barn to isolate herself.

During milking time, the barn floor is devoid of bedding as it has been removed with the manure. Not until after milking, while the cows are all still eating, is fresh bedding applied to the floor. Ariel waited patiently. As soon as I bedded the best calving spot (extra thickly), she made her nest and got to work. Two hours later the calf was on her feet and looking for nourishment. 

Most times, things go ever so smoothly.

Heather and Phil Retberg and their three children run Quill’s End Farm, a 105-acre property in Penobscot that they bought in 2004. They use rotational grazing on their fifteen open acres and are renovating thirty more acres from woods to pasture to increase grazing for their pigs, grass-fed cattle, lambs, laying hens, and goats. Heather is Vice President of Halcyon Grange #345 and writes a newsletter for their farm’s buying club of farmers in her area and has generously permitted us to share some of their columns with Grangers. Visit the Quill’s End Farm Facebook Page for more information.

Membership Moments – January 2024

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

This weekend (Jan 12-14) is the Northeast Leader’s Conference. Due to my own Grange and Pomona commitments. I was unable to attend. However, the Co-Director of the New Hampshire State Grange Membership Committee called and asked if I could send some concerns, thoughts, and ideas. As the initial thoughts were being put on paper, even more ideas started flowing. It was then realized that some of the suggestions required cooperation from all Granges and their members. We need new members, and we need all of us to take part. You will be notified when the results and decisions from the Leader’s conference concerning membership issues become available.

The first step in our new journey was mentioned in last month’s column. Please have someone read the Membership column from the Bulletin or the website so all can receive valuable information. It is very important that ALL members know what is going on, not only in Membership but also from the other committees. The column provides tips on adding new members and how to maintain them. I am also looking for additional committee members. The agenda is easy and fun. Also, all past columns are on the website. Please refer to the website for Grange events, State Committee and officer’s columns. You can also learn about traditions. It is a valuable tool for all members, and you are all encouraged to check it out.

Remember, keep your Grange Halls busy and active. Keep doing community events. Keep up the good work, and stay safe!!!

The Chaplain’s View – January 2024

By Christine Hebert, MSG Chaplain
(207) 743-5277

As we look back on 2023, let us go forward, focusing on the positive in our lives and learning from the negative.  There have always been trials and tribulations; it’s how we handle them that will define us.

      A wise man looks ahead, controls his temper, learns to listen, and delights himself not only in the Lord but also in helping others.

Do nothing from selfish ambition or empty conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves.

Philippians 2:3

Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.

Hebrews 13:1-2

CWA Report – January 2024

By Margaret Henderson, Director
Committee on Women’s Activities
207 948-2762

Committee on Women’s Activities

Happy New Year!!

I had a very enjoyable holiday week.  My younger sister came up from Florida, and my younger brother also came for a visit. I don’t get to see them often, so it was wonderful to get to spend time with them. Nothing better than good food and time with family.

If you do not have a copy of the new booklet, please let me know so that I can get one to you. (The CWA Program Book is also available on the Program Books and Information Page.)

Wow! What crazy weather we have been having. It doesn’t even seem like winter with all of the wind and rain.

Please be safe and stay healthy.

Community Service/FHH – January 2024

By Brenda Dyer, MSG Community Service/FHH Director
(207) 608-9193

Happy New Year! As we start the 2024 year, brainstorm all the community service projects that are possible. There is not a project that is too small. Think about all the ways your community is supported by you and your Grange.

Please keep track of hours per project. The hours should be broken down by Grange members and non-Grange members in the following categories: Juniors, Youth, and Adult. These are reported to the National Grange. 

Also include any organizations and their involvement (hours, support, etc.)

Start thinking about nominating Granger, Firefighter, EMT, Police, Educator of the year.

Family Health and Hearing

  • January 9,  National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
  • January 28,  National Lego Day
  • February  3,  Feed the Birds Day
  • February  4,  Thank you, Mail Person Day
  • February  20, Love Your Pet Day

This is the celebration of MSG’s 150th anniversary. Start planning now to celebrate Grange during April, which is Grange Month. Open meetings, Grange history, Degree Day, Variety Show, and Remember When programs are a few suggestions but the opportunities are endless—also a great time to present membership certificates. 

Enjoy the season and remember Spring is coming.

The Patrons Chain 1-12-2024

Articles in this edition include:

  • Embrace challenges with a growth mindset 
  • What’s your communication style?
  • Advocacy Playbook: High-Speed Internet for ALL
  • Grange Foundation’s Ernestine Keiser Memorial Scholarship
  • Register for National Grange/Rural Minds introduction to the “Rural Mental Health Resilience” program
  • Junior Jibber-Jabber
  • Register for the Virtual Legislative Fly-In
  • Grange Member Benefit: Lenovo
  • Grange Supply Store: Grange Songbook Package

Click the button below to read and/or subscribe to the Patrons Chain!

Note that all recent issues are available on the National Grange Website. Occasionally, a weekly issue isn’t sent, so the fact that one hasn’t been posted on the MSG website doesn’t necessarily mean we skipped it! You can double-check using the link (Read the Current Issue) above.

Clyde Russell Scholarship Fund Deadline Approaches

Reprinted with permission from a newsletter from Stacy Guerin, Maine State Senator, District 4.

The Clyde Russell Scholarship Fund (CRSF) offers financial awards to Maine graduating high school seniors to attend higher education institutions. The CRSF was created by the Maine Education Association through a trust established by the late Audrey Lewis, who served as president in 1958. The Fund was named after Clyde Russell, who served as Executive Director for over two decades.

There are two categories of awards as follows:

  • Awards of up to $2,000 for graduating high school seniors who will attend a Maine Community College;
  • Awards of up to $10,000 for graduating high school seniors who will attend a four-year college.

The applications will be available on CRSF’s website until Jan. 31, 2024; and the deadline to apply is Feb. 1, 2024. The entire application must be received by CRSF via their P.O. Box no later than Feb. 1, 2024. Please allow 5-7 days for mail delivery to meet the Feb. 1 deadline.

President’s Perspective – January 2024

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

The following 36 Granges have provided their updated membership list to us; thank you very much!  Ammadamast, Arbutus, Bangor, Bauneg Beg, Chelsea, Community, Dirigo, Fairview, Golden Harvest, Hudson, Jonesboro, Knox Station, Lakeside, Maple Grove, Merriconeag, Mt. Etna, Mystic Valley, North Jay, North Scarboro, Oak Hill, Ocean View, Old Town Riverside, Parkman, Perry, Pleasant River, Saco, Seaside, South Sangerville, St. George, Topsham, Tranquility, Valley, Wayside, White Rock, Willow and Winthrop. Where are the rest of you?

There are several Organizations in the State that give out Grants for a variety of reasons to deserving requests, including for building repairs and upgrades. Grant funds or donations may be made by check through the Maine Grange Foundation, Inc., on behalf of a Subordinate (Community), Pomona (County), or State Grange. When a Grange is applying for a Grant for funds, regardless of the group or individual you are applying to, the applying Grange must fill in your portion of the application request as best you can. Provide your Grange Name and Number, your contact info, and as much detailed information as possible as requested on the application. Be sure to include your contact person, your board members, your EIN number, and your signatures, and be observant of any special requirements, deadlines, or submission dates on the application.  Contact the provider directly if you have questions.

The State Grange Secretary will provide the applying Grange with the needed documents and information requested (to the best of our knowledge) on the application needed to move the request forward. After the Maine Grange Foundation, Inc. portion of the grant application is completed, it will be sent or emailed back to the applying Grange to complete, and you must submit it to the funding/grant group or individual. 

The grant/donation check will be deposited and held until it clears in the Maine Grange Foundation, Inc. account, noting the Grange Name and Number it belongs to and the amount. A receipt and tax deductible form from the Maine Grange Foundation, Inc. will be returned to the contributor; please provide their information and address.  After the donation or grant check clears, the donation will be withdrawn by bank check (the only persons allowed to access the Foundation account are designated officers and legal signers) and sent to the Secretary of the appropriate Grange. If multiple donations are made, they may be held in the account and sent as one large sum, or each one sent to the Grange. Please let us know your preference in writing

Have a very safe and uneventful winter, everyone.  Remember your neighbors who may need a hand.

Trenton Grange Plans Ahead!

Check out a year’s worth of Community Potluck Dinners and Bazaars. You have dozens of opportunities!

You can also visit the Trenton Grange Website!

Trenton Grange Community Potluck Information

Trent Grange 2024 Potluck Dinners

Trenton Grange Community Bazaar Information

Trenton Grange 2024 Bazaar Flyer