Notes from National – August 2023

Did you catch August 4’s Patrons Chain? Being fair/festival season, we have a MEGA DEAL on the Grange Comic Books – they’re FREE (you just pay shipping). Contact Loretta to order packs to give out at your events.

Contest deadlines for many National Grange contests are approaching! Due by September 1st are: Cape of Honor (Juniors), Garden Design Contest (Lecturer), GRANGE Youth Pillar Project (Youth), Grange in Action (Programs/Membership), Grassroots Advocacy Award (Legislative), Horizon Leadership Ambassador/Young Patron applications (Youth), John Trimble Youth Legislative Experience (Youth), Junior Mentor Award (Youth), National Junior Grange Ambassador applications (Juniors), Publicity Item (Communications), Quilt Block Contest (Lecturer), State Junior Director Reports (Juniors), Virtual Photo Contest (Lecturer), Weather Watcher Challenge (Lecturer), Wib & June Justi Community Service Award (Youth/Community Service), Youth Membership Recruitment Award (Youth/Membership), Youth Officer Council applications (Youth), and the Youth Officer T-Shirt Design (Youth). That’s a lot! More information on all of these can be found in the Contest Guide or in the Junior & Youth Program Handbooks.

The July issue of Good Day! magazine has been sent out to subscribers. This quarterly magazine is just $16/year, including information on what’s happening in Granges around the country, the National Grange, rural America, and so much more! Subscribe here: OR our digital editions at

We also encourage all members to subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter The Patrons Chain. This newsletter includes columns from National Grange Staff & Directors, information on upcoming National Grange events, and updates on what’s happening in rural America and in our nation’s capital in our monthly “View from the Hill” legislative update. Subscribe at 

Early Bird registration for National Grange Convention closes on September 4th. This means that on September 5th, the price for registration rises by $5. Information on this year’s Convention and the registration forms can be found at We encourage ALL members to attend each year’s Convention to experience the work of the Grange, the fellowship, the workshops, and the great work each host committee puts into making the Convention special for the region.

Are there topics you would like to see covered in a future Zoom from a National Grange staff member or department director or officer? Please let us know! We’re always working to ensure our topics are in line with what our members want or need to hear from us.

We hope to see you “at” some of our August Events!

National Grange Heirloom Program

Grange Heirlooms are snippets from the lessons of the Grange as taught in the Ritual and Declaration of Purposes. Please share “success stories” about the use of the program with us or if you come up with other innovative ways to incorporate the Program in your Granges. Information and materials are now available on the National Grange Website.

“Notes from National” is based on a monthly email received from the National Grange Communications Department.

Membership Moments – July 2023

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

How are your gardens doing? Now that the sun is back from vacation, the veggie plants seem to be much happier. Mother Nature did our watering for us the past month. We have to have our veggies and fruit at our best because agricultural fairs are in full swing, especially here in Maine. Of course, it is way too early for most of our “goodies.” However, there are other wares we can display. I hope many Granges are displaying their treasures at their local agricultural fairs. It is excellent publicity and a great way to pick up some cash!

I would like to hear from you, our readers, on suggestions for membership topics. What would you like to share or to learn?  Fresh ideas are necessary, so send them to me! Membership issues apply to each and every one of us, so any ideas or suggestions will also help numerous other Grange members. Just one suggestion or helpful hint could be beneficial to a whole organization! Amazing, isn’t it? Do not hesitate to send me your thoughts/suggestions/tips, etc. This column could be a new helpful hints success, just like the famous one we all read in our newspapers. Who knows? If it works to help others, that is all that matters! Send your suggestions to me at

Have a great rest of the summer! Keep healthy and cool.

    Notes from National – June 2023

    National Grange Contest deadlines are approaching!

    The July issue of Good Day! magazine is coming off the press any day now (after a few delays with the printer…) The next deadline for articles, new member lists, and anything else for the magazine will be August 31, 2023.

    We hope to see you “at” some of our July Events!

    National Grange Heirloom Program

    Grange Heirlooms are snippets from the lessons of the Grange as taught in the Ritual and Declaration of Purposes. Please share “success stories” about the use of the program with us or if you come up with other innovative ways to incorporate the Program in your Granges. Information and materials are now available on the National Grange Website.

    “Notes from National” is based on a monthly email received from the National Grange Communications Department.

    National Grange Membership Matters Zoom Meeting

    On Tuesday, June 13, at 8:30 PM Eastern/5:30 PM Pacific, join Grange members from around the country on Zoom for the monthly Membership Matters meeting on Zoom. This month, Membership/Leadership Development Director Amanda Brozana Rios will lead a conversation about reaching out to local leaders and other entities in our communities, including tips and tools that can help build awareness, trust, and partnerships.

    Join from PC/Mac/Linux/iOS/Android:CLICK HERE
    Meeting ID525 965 930
    Join from Telephone:+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 867 9923 US (New York) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

    Membership Moments – June 2023

    By Rick Grotton,
    Membership Committee Director
    207 582-5915

    How did your elections go? Did you acknowledge new members as officers? Were they willing to accept the office? Election time is a big deal for Granges everywhere. It signifies a time of change where fresh ideas and new leadership are incorporated. Enthusiasm is heightened as we are looking toward the new Grange year. It is important that these changes occur. It represents a new cycle of leadership and, many times, a jolt to a once lethargic group. As we all know, a thing called “burnout” happens; many of us have felt it and decided to pass the leadership duties to others in the hope (and trust) that the Grange prospers.  Change is a good thing most of the time. It just depends on how you apply those changes. The former leaders must pass their knowledge to their successors and be a good mentors to encourage good changes in our Granges. To the former leaders; “Well done, good and faithful servant.”  

    Just as the seasons change are welcomed by most of us geographically, change in leadership is just as welcome in our Granges. After a few days of rain, we are looking forward to the sun shining again and welcoming that change, just as we welcome rain after a stretch of sunny days. Change brings out fresh perspectives and keeps us encouraged with new ideas. Do not let your Grange get into a rut, make changes and take a different path. Otherwise, the results could be less than good. Open the windows and let the fresh air in; reflect on how that change of air feels. The same applies to leadership. Everyone deserves to have a chance to show their leadership skills, especially for the GOTO (Good of the Order). I haven’t used that acronym in ages, but it seems appropriate for this column.

    The important thing is to introduce your new members to leadership positions or committees. Maybe they are not ready, that’s fine. Do not force them but DO NOT overlook them! Membership is our lifeblood, and every now and then, a “transfusion” is required and necessary. Most of you know what I am talking about. When things start to get “stale,” liven it up, try new things, and welcome the changes. Think outside the box. Any change, no matter how small or large will do wonders a majority of the time. If each of us introduces new ways and new ideas, be ready to explain how these changes are good for the Grange and not for the individual. We are a family, and these changes affect all of us. The family that changes together grows together.  Happy changes to all!!!

    Notes from National – May 2023

    If you have not sent in your latest “new member” list, please do so ASAP! I’m working ahead on the next issue of Good Day! and would love to be able to finish off that section. Thank you all for your great work!?

    We hope to see you “at” some of our June Events!

    National Grange Heirloom Program

    Grange Heirlooms are snippets from the lessons of the Grange as taught in the Ritual and Declaration of Purposes. Please share “success stories” about the use of the program with us or if you come up with other innovative ways to incorporate the Program in your Granges. Information and materials are now available on the National Grange Website.

    “Notes from National” is based on a monthly email received from the National Grange Communications Department.

    Membership Moments – May 2023

    By Rick Grotton,
    Membership Committee Director
    207 582-5915

    Now that Spring is in full bloom and the weather is much warmer, all of us have the itching to go outside and get “stuff” done. This ranges from planting your garden, growing flowers, mowing lawns, and especially spring cleaning. Our Grange halls are also in need of such. In order to attract prospective members, you may want to try the following during this time:

    Gather members, friends, and community for a “Grange Cleaning Day.” You never know what “treasures” you may find, especially if your hall hasn’t been cleaned in a while. Have a small lunch or barbecue for the community or just for the helpers. Give them a tour and history of your Grange. Keep applications handy.

    Have an open house. Invite community organizations and maybe some child games for fun and to create a pleasant atmosphere. Make plans with these organizations to help the community. Again, have lunch or refreshments, small prizes, baskets for a raffle, or a 50/50 drawing. Invite a motivational speaker or entertainment. Display some of the long-forgotten “treasures” found for others to view. Many people enjoy historical items.

     Host a community night with a talent show, entertainment, music, and fun “stuff.” Advertise a month in advance. Social media works wonders if you have a Facebook page or other forms of advertising.

    Use your hall for vendors for an indoor or outdoor lawn sale. It is a good way for you and your members and the community to sell unwanted things that have been found during their own Spring cleanings. Again, have lunch or refreshments for the vendors with maybe background recorded or live music.

    Have a jam day or night where local musical talent can get together, and the community can enjoy dancing and socializing. This works well for a Grange (as my Grange can testify). Sunday afternoons are a great time.

    Host a meet the candidates night where all parties must be invited, and the public can get to know them. Ask them a series of questions for each to answer concerning important issues, with a time limit per question, of course.

    The above suggestions require some work, so recruit family, friends, and the community to help. As you can see, you need to do these things: be active, have much publicity, and awareness, and open your hall to the public. Do they know you exist? The answers will surprise you! Listen to what the public says and jot it down. Membership is the lifeblood of our organization and the number one priority for your Grange. Without members, we cannot grow. Like without food in our bodies, we cannot survive. So, keep motivated, keep talking about Grange, and be educated (and educate others) on Grange history and what the Grange stands for, and how to help your communities grow.

      Jessica loves the Grange!

      I love all of the activities and events that the Grange does throughout the year.

      Jessic Thurston-Creations Custom and Homemade, LLC, Hollis Grange #132

      What about you?

      Do you love the Grange? Can you explain what’s great about being a member? It only takes a minute to click the button and tell the world!

      Excelsior Grange Open House

      Excelsior Grange at 446 Harris Hill Road in Poland will have an open house on May 20, Noon to 2 pm. Lunch will be served at noon and is free to all. Rick Grotton, membership director of the Maine State Grange, will be the guest speaker.

      Excelsior Grange is entering its 150th year of continuous operation in Poland, and we would like to introduce friends and neighbors to the opportunities available to them through Grange membership. The Grange today is not only for farmers, even though agriculture is still very important to the Grange. Membership is open to all who are over the age of 13, with social and service activities of interest to all. If you like working with others for the common good, the Grange is for you.
      Seeds for the Grange-sponsored 2023 Pumpkin Growing Contest, for youth ages 5-12, will be available that day.

      For more information and/or rsvp for lunch, please call 998-2301.

      Mill Stream Member Recognized

      Mill Stream Grange member Lisa Goucher (r) receives the Vienna, Maine Spirit of America Award. It was presented to her at a recent Grange meeting by Secretary Jill Sampson on behalf of the Vienna Selectmen. Lisa’s hard work helping elderly community members, and any neighbor in need, was recognized and praised by the Spirit of America Foundation. Thank you, Lisa, for your selfless, generous, and kind help to friends, family, and organizations in the area!