Victor Grange September Newsletter

Victor Grange is located in Fairfield, Maine

Victor Grange of Fairfield has released its September Newsletter using an all-new method. While it’s not so easy for Barb Bailey, editor, it is fairly user-friendly for members and others. An email is sent to members containing a link to the newsletter hosted on Google Drive. We’re pleased to be able to share it with you!

The September Issue reports, among other things:

  • The Victor Grange Hall now has Wi-Fi available!
  • Two floors of the hall are now ADA-accessible.
  • They plan to remain open through the winter.
  • Future improvements include installing a generator (to qualify as an emergency shelter), new LED lighting in the kitchen, and a new kitchen floor.

But wait! There’s more! This Grange is so busy they even have their very own online calendar! They are hosting Computer Classes, AA Meetings, Public Suppers, Senior Circle Potlucks…

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