Membership Moments – February 2023

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

Let’s put ourselves in the shoes of the prospective new member. As we look back at the meetings we have all been to, there are times when we might not have wanted to be there or want to leave early. We have attended many meetings but think of the person who is attending their first Grange meeting. We all know that first impressions are very important so if they are observing negative, boring or an unorganized meeting flow, they are more than likely to not come back. Meet in full form at your stations whenever you meet at your hall. Sitting around a table discussing business should not be happening when you have guests, your Deputy, or non-members present. Your Master should conduct an orderly, progressive flow to the meeting. Reports from committees tell the new member what you are doing in your community; lack thereof results in a boring meeting and probably an inactive grange. Why would they want to join if you do nothing? The majority of us want to be involved, to make a difference in our community and for ourselves. We care about others and want to make life better for all. We do positive things without asking for anything in return. We show our love in many ways. That is what a new member wants to achieve. That is what most of us wanted when we joined. We make a difference to many and enjoy working with our Brothers and Sisters for the Good of the Order. When a non-member sees our work, feels our positive energy, and happy workers, of course, most will want to be part of the action. Didn’t you? I did and still do.

In summary, just keep working, keep active, and have fun. Have orderly meetings and always greet and acknowledge guests whether they are members or not. If you follow protocol, then your Grange is ready for the next step which is to keep them coming back.

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