Bogus Email Alert

Thanks to those who have called this bogus email to my attention. I received one myself.

Please just ignore it and delete it.

I assure you this has nothing to do with the website or online directories. What sometimes happens is that scammers hack into someone’s personal email address book or contact list and use it in the hopes of getting a response. Several clues are making it obvious this is not a legitimate email from Sherry.

  • The message has been sent from an incorrect email address. Email addresses using Gmail, Yahoo, etc., are very easy to create and deserve a closer look when the request is strange.
  • Whenever a request demands “discretion,” a big red flag should be waving in front of you. Why the secrecy?
  • The fact that the message requires a response in a very specific way also suggests something isn’t right.

Bear in mind the same phishing technique can be used with text messages. Keep your radar turned on, and be a bit suspicious! This is one time when you shouldn’t do as you’re told!

If an email or text message raises concern, don’t reply. Contact the alleged sender using a different method.

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