Junior Report – December 2022

By Betty Young
207 786-2120
MSG Junior Director

Hello fellow Grangers. My name is Betty Young, and I am the new Junior Grange Director.

I originally joined in 1974 during the state grange centennial and took six degrees in one day at the Augusta Armory. After my second daughter was born, I took a demit and rejoined in 1994 when she was old enough to join. I have held several different offices in Subordinate and Pomona and am currently Chaplain of Androscoggin Pomona. I was approached this summer about taking on Junior Director since the previous directors were stepping down. Initially, I was reluctant but was concerned that the program might not continue so at the state session I told Sherry I will try.

My daughter has four children the youngest just turned five and will join as soon as we can have a meeting in person. I am looking forward to encouraging our members to participate in the CWA contests and earning badges.


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