CWA Report — November 2022

By Margaret Henderson, Director
Committee on Women’s Activities
207 948-2762

Committee on Women’s Activities

It doesn’t seem possible that the State Grange session is over for another year. It was great to see everyone. This year seems to have gone by way too fast.

I received the entries back from the Eastern States. I am proud to report that Maine had two winners. Ann Burns won second place for her three-piece baby Set. Ellie Collins won first place for her plastic canvas entry and first place for her adult garment entry. I presented their prizes at State Grange. Nice work! Congratulations, ladies.

I also had the honor to present donations to House in the Woods and to Home for Little Wanderers. Thank you to all of the Granges for your support of these two wonderful organizations.

I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.  Let’s all be thankful for all that we have and let’s be kind to others.

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