Degree Days…

The following note was distributed during the 149th Annual MSG Convention.

I am Maynard Chapman and I am the Chief Deputy of the Maine State Grange. Also, I am the Deputy for Androscoggin County and as such have been getting volunteers to work the four degrees on candidates for the last ten or so years. We have done the degrees twice a year, in April and September, and have had candidates from all over the state.

I would really like to be able to start doing the degree work at the State headquarters in Augusta on a Sunday afternoon in April and September to start at 1:30 pm and finish at about 4:30 pm. In order to do this, I will need people to take the officer’s stations and either memorize or read the parts.

If you, or someone you know, can help us out by taking a part in one, or more, of the four degrees, please speak to me at the State Session or call me at home at 207-312-5591. We will plan to do the next one on April 23, 2023, at State headquarters in Augusta.

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