Victor Grange September News

Victor Grange is located in Fairfield Center Maine

The latest Victor Grange newsletter leads with a photo of their nice “new” shiny floors! This was truly a community effort!

They are now looking into starting exercise classes… maybe as a result of moving all that furniture out and back in!

“We have about 80 chairs from the original Grange 1880’s purchase We’ve gotten organized, and now you can help out by buying them, some even come with a great sample of DNA from the past, (no kidding) $10.00 each and the money will go towards the building fund. We still have many projects to do, however, every little bit counts.”

The “Fairfield Senior Circle” celebrated its twentieth anniversary on August 19th… lunch, ice cream cake, member certificates…

Check out the complete newsletter for photos, a list of events, contact information and much more!

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