President’s Perspective — September 2022

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

September is the time of installations and new Grange year beginnings. With many new officers and more returning to the same positions this is a good time to give everyone some suggestions and instructions for Grange procedure.

The following is an overview of items that should be stressed at all meetings, following the manual (the most current version of the manual is 2013 which has updates through 2019, but whatever year your manual is covers the needs of your meetings.)

You may wish to add to or subtract from this list. We fully realize that conditions and situations vary with the different Granges.

  1.  Children and Grandchildren may join the State Junior Grange, submit requests to the State Jr. Dir. Stress the importance of beginning meetings on time and ending at a reasonable time.
  2. If only seven members are present, the following Officers to be filled are: Master, Overseer, Steward, Assistant Steward or Lady Assistant Steward, Chaplain, Secretary, and Gatekeeper
  3. Emphasize the importance of committing parts to memory, (but not required) especially for Opening and Closing, the Obligation Ceremony and Degrees when conferred.
  4. Following the manual, instruct proper procedures for Opening and Closing in full form.
  5. To open in “full form” means to follow the prescribed Ritual/instructions in the Grange manual, which includes opening the Bible, taking the passwords & reporting, Salute to the Flag, opening the implement case and the Salutation given (prescribed hand salute) and the Charter in the hall.
  6. The word “Ritual” means a set routine or pattern of conducting the meeting each time you meet.
  7. Demonstrate Grange Salutation. (Read the specific instructions from the Code Book on how to make the Signs and Salutation properly. Encourage and assist with reading from the Code Book.) Demonstrate the Voting Sign.
  8. Demonstrate Flag Presentation, Balloting, and Draping of the Charter. Do you need instructions?
  9. The Gatekeeper may come into the hall after the completion of the Flag Salute during the Opening after the Master has rapped the gavel to seat the Grange.
  10. The Obligation Ceremony and Welcome Ceremony may be used, but full Degrees (degree means a level in the Grange) are recommended to be viewed or read thru by the Grange. However, since it is harder and harder to get a team together or to take your candidates somewhere else, encourage the Grange to read aloud through each Degree, even one degree at a time, at four different meetings. This gets everyone involved and is less overwhelming than viewing the degrees all at once. Don’t keep the prospective members waiting. (There is a Pomona Obligation Ceremony also, encourage its use.)
  11. Candidates who are waiting for degree work may come into the hall for the opening. Prospective members may attend a meeting.
  12. Stress the importance of prompt advance payment and collection of dues. Encourage the Secretary and the Grange make every possible effort to save a member. Delinquent members should have three notices, one a personal contact before they are suspended.
  13. Granges are to keep their by-laws up to date, in writing (a copy to be on file at State Office). Changes must be made with a 2/3 vote of those present and voting of the Grange at a subsequent regular meeting after the initial reading of the proposed change. After the vote to adopt, the changes must be submitted in writing to the State Master for approval, you must write out the current section of the by-law(s) and write out what changes are to be made.
  14. Your Grange is required to meet at least once a month and open the meeting in full form. You may meet more than once a month as desired, but must open in full form each time. (A minimum of 7 members must attend for a quorum to hold a legal meeting.)
  15. All funds, regardless of who is holding the money, should be reported by a specific committee or under “Bills and Accounts” at every meeting. All Grange and committee accounts are to be audited at least yearly by either the finance committee or the Executive Committee of the Grange. All Grange accounts should have at least two (2) signers of different families on each account, and all persons who handle monies are required by our by-laws to be bonded.
  16. Do you have a plan for fundraising? What are your needs?
  17. Encourage community service and participation in the Community Service contest; at least send in the Community Service Report form, even if you are not doing a lot.
  18. The Salutation before the Overseer upon entering or retiring is no longer mandatory at the Subordinate level, though encouraged. It is recommended that this be demonstrated with member participation so that members are comfortable with this procedure. The raps and passwords must be used. Going before the Overseer is still in use at the Pomona level, to leave the meeting.
  19. Assist in installing officers of the Granges if possible. Encourage joint installations. The Installation Ceremony could be more informative to the members and the Officers if each Officer take turns reading the charges at other times besides the Installation meeting. It could be spread out over several meetings giving more time to absorb the messages. There is an alternative Installation Ceremony now available for use, it is about half the length of the original ceremony but still gives the Officers duties and instructions.
  20. There are many published items to help in your work, look on the National Grange website or the Maine State Grange website. Items may be requested to be emailed or standard mail.
  21. When you ask, “Have reports to Pomona and State Grange been duly and promptly made?” This covers quarterly dues reports and includes year-end reports of committees, requests for roster information, survey, and any other information requested by Pomona or State offices.
  22. Are your Committees active and reporting? After elections are completed, the Master selects or appoints the chair for the needed committees, the appointed chair takes over upon Installation of officers and remains chair until the next election & installation. The Master can appoint their committee, or the Chair can make their own selections.
  23. Guest speakers and visitors are welcome to sit in on a meeting even during the full opening.
  24. Encourage participation in various contests, attending other meetings, conferences, etc.
  25. Attempt to get the Grange to send a listing of upcoming meetings and events for the Maine Grange Bulletin and website at least two months in advance with reminders. Encourage members with the internet to subscribe to the Maine State Grange Website.
  26. Promote good publicity — Grange newsletter, press, radio, etc.
  27. Encourage Open House and Booster Night meetings during Grange Month or at other times as good Grange promotion.
  28. Encourage your members to get involved with Junior activities (includes ages 5 – 14) even if the Grange does not have a Junior Grange


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