Willow Grange Honors 700 Years of Service

By Paula Roberts

Willow Grange #366, of Jefferson, presented membership awards to (from left) Henry Post (70), Leo Glidden (65), Sharon Morton (50), Nancy Post (55), Gladys Glidden (65), Norman Hunt (55), Judy Hunt (25), Patricia Moody (50), and Dottie Parker (60). (Laurie McBurnie photo)

On July 28, 2022, Willow Grange master Ed Worthley and secretary Laurie McBurnie presented membership awards to Judy Hunt (25 years), Norman Hunt (50 & 55), Patricia Moody (50), Sharon Morton (50), Nancy Post (55), Dottie Parker (60), Gladys Glidden (65), Leo Glidden (65), and Henry Post (70). Member earning awards earned but unable to attend were Wilfred Manley (50), Kathryn Brown (65), Hazel Kleinschmidt (75), and Madelyn Creamer (85).

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