Membership Moments — August 2022

By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915

Do your members know of the exciting contests that are proposed annually by different state committees? Do they participate? The Lecturers Department, CWA, Membership, and Community Service all have great contests, and some entries are due in September. If you follow the website, you will find information on all of these contests. When approaching new membership, these contests should be mentioned in the conversations. We all have varied talent interests and some of these contests could promote new membership. Communication is key. When you talk about Grange, be sure to give out contact numbers, applications, pamphlets of our history, and how your Granges affect your communities. People want to keep involved, to be active, to fit in and to be able to make a difference.

Encourage your newer members to take all of the Degrees to learn about our lessons, traditions, and history. We are all proud to belong to the Grange, so share your story, your pleasures, your memories and what you have learned. New friendships are formed and old ones are renewed. We are a fraternal family with strong bonds. It doesn’t matter where your Grange is located; our family has no geographic boundaries. Technology has provided us the opportunity to communicate easier no matter where we live. Keep in touch with one another. I know I think of my friends all over the country I have met through conferences, events, conventions, and committees. I am pleased to know them as they have helped me grow and advance. It is a warm, endearing feeling to know these Brothers and Sisters and what they have helped me accomplish as a Granger. I do respect and appreciate all of them. They make feel appreciated, wanted and needed. It has been such a life changer for me. I am sure there are many others who have the same thoughts and feelings. I am proud to be a Granger. You, also, could be a life changer for someone. Encourage them to join the Grange and watch what happens!!! 

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