Lecturer’s Column — August 2022

By Margaret Morse, Maine State Grange Lecturer
207 439-0413


The deadline for entries in the poetry and skit writing contests as well as the book reading contest is September 1, 2022. The categories for the poetry writing entries are stars/universe, patriotic, humorous, and other. Poems written in school can be entered, even if they do not fit in a specific category, they can always be entered in the “Other” category.  Skits can be written about any situation as long as they are Grange appropriate. The reading book club for those members who are avid readers should be an easy contest to participate in. Entries must include the title and author of the books as well as the number of pages.  All entries in these three contests will be accepted until September 1. Those sent via email will be accepted as long as they are time stamped by midnight.


The State Lecturer’s Conference will be held on October 1, 2022, from 9:30 to 12:00 at Manchester Grange Hall. The hall is located at 953 Western Avenue in Manchester and is handicapped-accessible. The agenda for the day includes a presentation of winners in the reading and writing contests, a review of the 2022-2023 program, a short workshop, which will include an activity, and a time for discussion.


.The Lecturer’s Department will again be holding the Photo and Adult Coloring Contests at State Grange. The categories for this year’s photos are People, Animals, Flowers, and Structures. All entries must have been taken after September 1, 2021, and be Grange appropriate. First, second, and third place will be awarded in each photo category as well as a best in show. This year a People’s Choice Award will be given. Members present on Thursday of the state session will have the opportunity to cast one vote for their photo of choice. The entries for the Adult Coloring contest may be of any subject matter as long as it is Grange appropriate. The entries must have been colored after September 1, 2021. The deadline for all entries in these two contests is 1 hour after the opening of the session.

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