President’s Perspective — August 2022

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

RESOLUTIONS are due in the office on August 15, 2022, either email to or standard mail to 146 State St., Augusta 04330. Submit both ways to ensure we receive them. Each Resolution is required to have a title when it is submitted to the office, I cannot give them a title your Grange must come up with one. If you want to make changes to State Grange by-laws, the Title, Article, Section, and sub-section numbers must be included in the resolution with the current wording printed and the suggested change completely written out.  The resolution must be voted on by the Grange submitting the resolution. After August 15th, we then have to print everything and mail all resolutions back to each Grange. This all takes time.  

Just like elections, Granges are required to install their officers usually in September or as soon as practicable after elections. There are not many installation teams traveling the state to perform the ceremony. The Installation Ceremony may be handled by each Grange on its own. There is an official alternative Installation of Officers printed in the new manual that can easily be followed by your members with one person taking charge, all participating, or just a few. This alternative ceremony contains half the words as the original one, which is also in the manual.  

Grange Committees are appointed by the Master and are responsible for organizing and implementing their programs in Subordinate, Pomona, and State Granges. Each level has more responsibilities and activities for the membership. If you would like to serve on a committee, please contact the Master. The State level is also looking for members to get involved with Committees and be Deputies.

  • Legislative Committee educates Granges about public policy issues of concern to members and encourages them to take action. 
  • Agricultural Committee brings to the Grange’s attention issues affecting agriculture. 
  • Lecturer’s Committee assists the Lecturer in the preparation and implementation of programs. 
  • Women’s Activities (CWA) conducts projects and contests which encourage the development and use of the member’s skills and talents.
  • Youth Committee develops programs and workshops to inform and discuss everyday concerns. 
  • Membership Committee is responsible for making sure that recruiting new members is part of all Grange programs and activities.
  • Publicity Committee reports information about the Grange’s activities and efforts to the news media.
  • Community Service Committee develops projects which improve the quality of life and the community.
  • Family Health  & Hearing Committee promotes the Grange health program of deaf awareness and other wellness issues through community outreach and education. 
  • Junior Committee provides activities for children in their community that are fun and teaches them the principles and Grange values. 
  • Special Committees are appointed for limited periods of time to manage and control special projects.    

This is a good time to remind you that your Grange Secretary’s and Treasurer’s books are to be audited at least once a year, and carrying that out close to installation is the perfect time to get it done. The Executive Committee and/or the Finance Committee of your Grange are the ones to carry out the audit.  Written records should be kept for all accounts in the Grange, receipts, and expenditures. 

Maine State Grange By-Laws:  Article XXI – Subordinate Officers and Their Duties

Section 8.1  It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee of each Subordinate Grange to see that the books of the Secretary and Treasurer and any other funds of the Grange are audited at the end of the fiscal year.      

You will need the  Secretary’s Records and Secretary’s Order Book.  This is the 5×7 book the Secretary writes what bills have come into the Grange and need to be paid with an amount listed. This record book also includes donations made to whom, etc. You will need the Treasurer’s books, checkbook, bank statements, savings book, etc., and receipt book (for funds received from the Secretary).  You compare the Secretary’s minutes and Order Book with the Treasurer’s checkbook and statements for receipts and expenditures.  All items should match between the Secretary and the Treasurer. All Committees of the Grange that handle funds, such as CWA, Lecturer, Chaplain, Bingo, Dinner, Fund Raising, etc., should also keep written records of receipts and expenditures to have audited at the end of the Grange year.

Another reminder, just under half of you have provided your 2023 Roster information.  Even if there were no changes, a report needs to be sent, either the printed form or typed in an email.  During the order of business, the Master asks, “Have the reports to the Pomona and State Granges been duly and promptly made?” This includes this request for information. You may not have every committee in your Grange, but we still need the information you have, especially the meeting day & time, the address of your meeting hall, the Master and Secretary’s names, addresses, and phone numbers. Something I did notice on the ones I have received, several of the Granges have changed their meeting day and/or time. That is a by-law change and there is a proper procedure to make those changes correctly. The changes must be submitted for approval by MSG.  The article, section, and sub-section numbers/letters must be stated in the by-law change request, the current information is completely written out, then the requested change completely written out. All your members must receive a copy of the proposed change(s), and it will be voted on as a motion at a subsequent meeting from when it is first introduced.  After the affirmative vote of the Grange, the same printed information is sent to the State Master for approval.


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